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Diction An author's choice of words. Since words have specific meanings, and since one's choice of words can affect feelings, a writer's choice of words.

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Presentation on theme: "Diction An author's choice of words. Since words have specific meanings, and since one's choice of words can affect feelings, a writer's choice of words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diction An author's choice of words. Since words have specific meanings, and since one's choice of words can affect feelings, a writer's choice of words can have great impact in a literary work. The writer, therefore, must choose his words carefully.

2 Diction is word choice intended to convey a certain effect
What is diction? Diction is word choice intended to convey a certain effect To communicate ideas and impressions To evoke emotions To convey your views of truth to the reader

3 Diction has to do with the author’s word choice.
What words are he/she choosing to get his/her point across? Denotation: This is the LITERAL meaning of a word. Dictionary definition Connotation: Ideas or feelings that a word creates inside the reader. Levels of Diction: Formal Informal Slang/Colloquial HOW DOES DICTION AFFECT TONE?

4 Formal: Elevated/archaic Informal: Standard language
Levels of Diction Formal: Elevated/archaic Informal: Standard language Slang/Colloquial: Low diction (ultra informal) If you were addressing your boss in an , you would most likely use… If you were sending a text to your girlfriend/boyfriend, you would most likely use… If you were talking to your parents, you would most likely use…

5 You may live in a house, but we live in a home.
The denotation (literal meaning) of home and house = roughly “a dwelling place”

6 What do you think of when you hear…
House Home Maybe… Maybe… **Roof **Comfort **Structure **Love **Place where people **Security live **Privacy **Warmth Think about this: What do you think it means when realtors use the word home more frequently than they do house?

7 Positive and Negative Connotation
Negative Neutral Positive Chick Woman Lady

8 Noun—A person, place, or thing. Adjective—Describes a noun
Parts of Speech Noun—A person, place, or thing. Tree, Boy, Mom, School, etc. Adjective—Describes a noun RED car, GREEN grass, BIG dog, etc. Verb—a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence She RAN to my house; I WORK at 3:00; etc. Adverb—a word or phrase that modifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb The girl ran VERY fast; I am REALLY tired

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