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What Kind of Learner is Your Child?

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Presentation on theme: "What Kind of Learner is Your Child?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Kind of Learner is Your Child?
Deborah Hardy

2 The Problem One size fits all Academic challenge School Phobia
What is the child’s best? Different perceptions: For the child For the family

3 Tools Local Tests Report Cards State Assessments Standardized Tests
Attendance Nurse’s Visits College Acceptances

4 Theme is Valentine’s Day
Activity Group 1: Who likes to draw? Group 2: Who likes theatre? Group 3: Who likes to write? Theme is Valentine’s Day

5 The Process Survey: What Intelligence Are You? Results:
Take a moment to answer the survey Results: Any surprises? Relate to your child

6 Academic School’s perspective: Differentiation
Student Profile: Four year plan Interventions Include student’s experiences

7 Personal/Social Self esteem Classroom behavior
Embarrassment to seek help Bullying

8 Career Connection to learning Relating to real world
Build transition to future Options based on strengths

9 Solutions Academic: Instructional strategies Example:
Age group(s) for which this strategy is helpful: Elementary School Middle School Instructions for using this strategy: Keep all supplies in a homework box in a secure place (ours is on top of the refrigerator). Scissors, sharpened pencils, markers, rulers, pens, paper (all kinds), and maybe even a treat are in it, BUT cannot be used for anything but homework. That means if Dad needs a pair of scissors, or Mom needs a piece of paper, they have to find it elsewhere. Then, when homework time starts, everything is there and kids can't use missing supplies as an excuse to get off track. It only needs to be checked occasionally to renew supplies. My freshman in college still uses his homework box.

10 Solutions Personal/Social: Support Examples: Avoid discouragement
Work for improvement, not perfection Effort is more significant than results Remove stigma of failure Optimism is contagious

11 Solutions Career Portfolio development Job Shadow Community Service

12 School Counselors Role
Learning is a developmental process – K-12 Academic: abilities change Personal and social growth

13 School Counselor’s Role
Collaboration of educators and school counselors in reviewing data Trends IST Provide intervention and assistance

14 School Counselor’s Role
Analysis of abilities and connection to school Guide the student to use strategies Assist educators in understanding the learner

15 Delivery of School Counseling Programs
Classroom Groups Assessment Project Based Be sensitive to student’s learning style

16 Needs Assess what is missing Provide feedback to school
Study Skills Class Appropriate level classes Work study programs

17 Assessment Placement Survey College process or post high school goals
Levels of courses: abilities Survey Experience Education Support

18 What can Parents Do? Use reflective listening
Use problem solving techniques Know student’s strengths and support them Know student’s weaknesses and guide them Have open communication

19 Questions?

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