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US History EOC Test Taking Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "US History EOC Test Taking Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History EOC Test Taking Tips

2 Study There is No Substitute for Preparation!

3 Learning Centers Everyday
7:15-7:45AM 2:55-3:25PM 1 Point of Extra Credit For Every Hour of Learning Center

4 100 Questions 80 Items are scored 20 Items are Random Field Test Items
Write in the Test Book Notes Cross Out Answers Key Terms and Phrases Eliminate Answers Mark Your Answer Choice

5 Time Limit 4 Hours unless you have extended time

6 Strategies Most, Best, Least, greatest- Questions have more than one answer/Look for the best answer Negative Questions- No, Not, Except Questions; Mark out the correct answers, pick the wrong answer Look for key terms and phrases Take short breaks

7 Strategies Stay with you first answer unless:
Never leave an answer blank Check to make sure that questions match answers Responses such as never or always are usually not the answer Formulate your answer as you read the question Select answers that are longer

8 EOC Prep Make this a priority Study a little every day
Good Night’s Rest Eat Right

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