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Presentation on theme: "Bell-Ringer WHAT IS THE TASK SYSTEM?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell-Ringer 10-31-2011 WHAT IS THE TASK SYSTEM?
USE YOUR BOOK: Chapter 3; Section 3 (PAGE 80)

2 What was the Middle Passage?
Bell-Ringer What was the Middle Passage? What is the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?

3 Bell-Ringer What was the purpose of the Slave Codes; AND give one example of a slave code.


5 Bell-Ringer 11-14-2011 COPY: FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR
French and Indian War is the common American name for the war between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763 The War for North America essentially ended in 1761 with the British being victorious. In 1763, the Treaty of Paris ended the hostilities in North America and territories

6 Bell-Ringer Why were the colonists angry at Great Britain? AND what did they do to express their anger?

7 King George III: King of England during the American Revolution
Bell-Ringer COPY: King George III: King of England during the American Revolution

8 Bell-Ringer What was the seed that sparked the American Revolution? (What was main reason the Revolution occurred?)

9 Bell-Ringer Why did the Native Americans become increasingly upset with the Colonists? (use your power point notes)

10 Who were the Sons of Liberty and who was their leader?
Bell-Ringer Who were the Sons of Liberty and who was their leader?

11 Bell-Ringer Which city was the most active city where the protests began Philadelphia Chicago New York Boston

12 What were the Townshend Acts? (page 105)
November 30, 2011 What were the Townshend Acts? (page 105) What are the writs of assistance? (page 105)

13 Bell-Ringer What was the Boston Massacre? What was the Boston Tea Party?

14 Bell-Ringer 12-2-2011 What did the colonists call the Coercive Acts?
Why did the First Continental Congress meet and which colony did not attend?

15 Bell-Ringer What act did the colonists commit that was the last straw for King George III? (Use your power point notes if you don’t know) The Boston Tea Party The gathering of the First Continental Congress The Boston Massacre The employment of the Coercive Acts?

16 What did the First Continental Congress send to King George III?
Bell-Ringer What did the First Continental Congress send to King George III? Intolerable Acts Declaration of Resolves The pamphlet Common Sense A Declaration of War

17 Who did most of the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
Bell-Ringer Who did most of the writing of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson George Washington Abraham Lincoln Jon Adams

18 BELL-RINGER Which Continental Congress declared independence from Great Britain (England)? The First Continental Congress The Second Continental Congress The Third Continental Congress The Fourth Continental Congress

19 BELL-RINGER TRUE OR FALSE: Women, Africans, and Native Americans fought for both the Continental Army and the British Army

20 BELL-RINGER What was the effect of the Patriot’s victory at the Battle of Saratoga? (use the notes we did yesterday)

21 Bell-Ringer What is the name of the war we have been covering in class over the past few weeks?

22 What was the main effect of the Patriot’s victory at Yorktown?
Bell-Ringer What was the main effect of the Patriot’s victory at Yorktown? European powers joined on the side of the Patriots Spain joined with Great Britain to fight the colonists. Great Britain surrendered ending the fighting in the American Revolutionary war

23 At what battle did the Patriots declare victory over the British?
Bell-Ringer At what battle did the Patriots declare victory over the British? Saratoga Trenton Valley Forge Yorktown

24 What was the first constitution of the United States called?
Bell-Ringer What was the first constitution of the United States called? Declaration of Resolves Articles of Confederation Mayflower Compact The General Charter

25 Bell-Ringer COPY Republicanism: A theory in which political leaders receive from the citizens their authority to make and enforce laws

26 Bell-Ringer List TWO weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. You can use your notes we took on Wednesday or your textbook pages

27 What are the TWO groups that make-up Congress?
Bell-Ringer What are the TWO groups that make-up Congress?

28 House of Representatives: Lower house of the national legislature
Bell-Ringer COPY Article 1 of the Constitution is about the Legislative Branch - Congress House of Representatives: Lower house of the national legislature Senate: Upper house of the national legislature

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