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Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy

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Presentation on theme: "Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy
Systems of Professional Learning Module 2 Grades K–5: Supporting all Students in Close Reading, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion (Slides 1-7, including the Pre-Assessment, will take about 20 minutes total.)

2 Public Consulting Group
7/7/2019 Activity 8 Applying Universal Design for Learning Supports to a Lesson

3 UDL Applies to the Entire Design of a Lesson
GOALS INSTRUCTION MATERIALS ASSESSMENT When designing lessons, consider UDL supports and practices for the lesson goals, the materials and methods, the instruction, and how students are assessed.

4 Activity 8: Applying UDL Supports to a Lesson
Public Consulting Group 7/7/2019 Activity 8: Applying UDL Supports to a Lesson Activity 8: Applying UDL Supports to a lesson Revisit the close reading lesson you began in Activity 2. Working with your partner, consider strategies for Multiple Means of Representation, Expression, and Engagement. Add examples of UDL supports to the lesson, restructuring the lesson as necessary. (Allow 15 minutes for this activity; adjust time as needed.) Page 52

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