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Technology in Mathematics Education at ECC Overview & Evaluation hosted by Paul M. Yun.

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2 Technology in Mathematics Education at ECC Overview & Evaluation hosted by Paul M. Yun

3 Three areas of technology Hardware Software Internet

4 Hardware Computer (computer room & classrooms) Laptop (full time faculty) Overhead projector (classrooms) Calculator ( Ti-82s & Ti-83s in MCS 104J) Model ( MCS 104J)

5 Software Software for Calculus Software for Statistics Software for Geometry Software for Basic Math Software for Tutorial

6 Software for Calculus Computer Algebra System Mathematica Maple & Scientific Notebook Derive

7 Software for Calculus Graphic Tool CAS (Mathematica/ Maple /Derive) Nucalc David Parker Graphing Software Surface Plotter (Free software)

8 Major concern for calculus software Need for an official CAS for calculus sequences VS Use of better features of various products

9 Software for Statistics Minitab

10 Software for Geometry Geometers Sketchpad Boxer Geometry

11 Software for Basic Math Interactive Math Aleks

12 Software for Tutorial Cogito Software (Algebra, Pre-Calc, Calc) The MathServ Calculus Toolkit

13 Internet Online tutoring Math Department Website Math Faculty on Internet

14 Cyndy Bredek Jeff Cohen Bill Hemmer Linda Ho Joe Hyman Lars Kjeseth Greg Scott Ralph Taylor Paul Yun

15 Discussion How do we control the flow of technology into the math department? How do we evaluate the effectiveness of technology available in the math department? What are the areas that technology does improve our classroom teaching & learning in mathematics?

16 Which way?

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