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What Research Says About Reading

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Presentation on theme: "What Research Says About Reading"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Research Says About Reading
What Research Says About Reading! A close relationship exists between reading fluency and comprehension. One-minute measures of oral reading fluency are highly predictive and strongly correlated with reading scores on standardized tests.* *Davidson, M., & Myhre, O. (200). Measruing reading at grade level. Educational Leadership, 57(5), Variation in Amount of Independent Reading Percentile Rank Minutes/Day (Books, Magazines, Newspaper) Words/Year 98th ,733, th ,357, th ,168, th , th , th ,000 2nd Anderson, R., Wilson, P., and Fielding, L. Reading Research Quarterly, Volume 3, "Growth in Reading and How Children Spend Their Time Outside of School."

2 Get ready for a challenging year!
Welcome to 3rd Grade! Get ready for a challenging year!

3 Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Please be sure to read each of these books. There may be updates from last year. Complete and return all forms in the back of the book as soon as possible. You need to complete pages ii, iv, vi, viii, x, xii, and xxviii.

4 See your teacher for conference times.
To schedule an appointment please write a note in your child’s assignment pad, send an , or call the school office.

5 Tick tock! School begins at 8:00am sharp!
Please do not drop your child off before 7:30am unless he/she is enrolled in before school care. School ends at 3:00pm. Please send any transportation changes to school in the morning. Changes by phone need to be called to the office before 2:00pm.

6 So much to learn! Please make sure your child is at school every day unless it is absolutely necessary to keep them home. Don’t send a child to school with a fever and keep them at home until they have been without a fever for at least 24 hours! Please send an excuse for any absences. You have 2 days to get them in. Student’s are responsible for making up missed assignments for the time they were out. All unexcused missed work or excused missing work will be a zero.

7 Money Breakfast and lunch prices for students and visitors are listed in the Student Handbook. Ice Cream is served on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Slushies are served for 3rd grade on Wednesdays. Please send money in an envelope with student’s name, my name and lunch number. PLEASE WRITE PHONE NUMBERS ON CHECKS!

8 Snacks No drinks other than water. Your child may have water at his/her desk all day as long as it is in a bottle which can be closed and not leak. No flavored water. Any type of food, which can be eaten with only one hand, is acceptable. We work while we eat.

9 Supplies Please make sure your child has all the supplies he/she needs. Ask them if they are missing anything. They will know. We will provide you with a wish list if you are able to help our classrooms. We would greatly appreciate it!

10 Field Trips Children’s Theater $14 for 2 shows
Each year we attend the following field trips. Children’s Theater $14 for 2 shows We are tentatively thinking about combining Children’s Theater with Sloss Furnace. DeSoto Caverns $13.50 per person. **This year parents MUST provide their own transportation to all field trips.

11 Newsletter: Each child’s teacher will send home a newsletter.
Reading Logs: Students will keep a reading log at school. I will use that reading log for a grade. Students will also have a reading log for homework.

12 Graded Test Papers/Folder:
A test folder will come home every week. Check your child’s test folder, sign the conduct log and return by Thursday or Friday. Feel free to write a note or ask for a conference if you have any questions about any test. If you write a note on the test, please tell your child to tell me there is a note on his/her test from you.

13 Discipline: We must work together as a team
Discipline: We must work together as a team! Each teacher sent home the discipline plan in the Meet the Teacher Handbook. Please check assignment books daily for conduct. If you are not sure why your child received a sad face, ask them. They will know because we discuss the choices they make and alternatives to those choices.

14 Reading Workshop Every child’s independent reading level will be monitored throughout the school year. The level helps the teacher and your child determine which books are “just right”. We will do Reading Workshop daily. Every day we will teach a new lesson/strategy to help each student grow as a reader. Your child will conference with the teacher throughout the week either individually or in a small group setting.

15 Writer’s Workshop Writing Workshop mirrors the format of Reading Workshop. Each day students will learn a new strategy or skill that will help them grow as writers. We will write daily and have individual conferences or small group conferences during the week. During the month, writers will select one or two pieces to take through the entire writing process. They will publish this piece for a grade. Students will also do an on-demand piece to count as another part of their writing grade. Grammar will be incorporated into the revision and publishing stages of writing. Spelling tests will be given every Friday. Lists have already been sent home.

16 Math: Math lessons are hands on as much as possible
Math: Math lessons are hands on as much as possible. We have adopted the enVisions curriculum this year. Addition and subtraction with regrouping Word problems Multiplication/division Telling time to the minute…Elapsed time Fractions Geometry project Science/Social Studies: Grades are combined for these subjects. We may have an hour a day of Social Studies one or two weeks and then an hour a day of Science for the next week or two. All Alabama course of content areas are taught.

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