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Increasing Instructional Efficiency: Maximizing Content Delivery and Student Empowerment Through Technology UMSL November 13-14, 2008 Joe Naumann – Adjunct.

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2 Increasing Instructional Efficiency: Maximizing Content Delivery and Student Empowerment Through Technology UMSL November 13-14, 2008 Joe Naumann – Adjunct Assoc. Prof. – Geography Jennifer Simms – Technical Trainer-Principal – FRC

3 Educational Technology 1813 …in the winter of 1813 & '14 … I attended a mathematical school kept in Boston…On entering [the] room, we were struck at the appearance of an ample Black Board suspended on the wall, with lumps of chalk on a ledge below, and cloths hanging at either side. I had never heard of such a thing before. I had never heard of such a thing before. [Samuel J. May, 1855] 2

4 Joe Naumann 2001 He knew how to use the overhead projector – He could make overhead transparencies He was totally Ignorant of: – MyGateway (Blackboard) – PowerPoint – Creating web pages – Video Clip editing/creating & streaming – Digital photography & photo editing – Using UMSL servers 3

5 What about ignorance? Ignorance is a condition that can be corrected..... How did I replace my ignorance with knowledge and skills? –P–P–P–Patience & helpfulness of Prof. Rocky Keel –P–P–P–Patience, helpfulness, and encouragement of the staff of the Faculty Resource Center –T–T–T–The outstanding classroom support of Chris Scheetz and his staff –M–M–M–Mini courses presented by IT & FRC –A–A–A–Attendance at Technology Conferences 4

6 Cheers for the FRC! Jennifer Simms, Paul Wilmarth, and Tom Roedel have helped me through rough spots, taught me new skills, and have given me tremendous support and encouragement! Jennifer Simms, Paul Wilmarth, and Tom Roedel have helped me through rough spots, taught me new skills, and have given me tremendous support and encouragement! 5 Jennifer and Tom at work

7 Computer enhanced lectures Web information resources Web information resources Web lessons & tutorials Web lessons & tutorials Multimedia CD-ROMS DVDs Multimedia CD-ROMS DVDs Audio & video conferencing Online distance education courses Document & application sharing Email & Listservs Email & Listservs Bulletin-boards & online discussions Bulletin-boards & online discussions Whoa ! Streaming media & webinars Streaming media & webinars Today we have many options. 6

8 The Technology Exception, not the Rule 7

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12 Our Challenge! Create educational content for multiple delivery modes Create educational content for multiple delivery modes – Technologically enhanced face-to-face lecture- discussion – Blended face-to-face and online – Totally online Materials and assistance all online Materials and assistance all online Live online classroom plus materials and assistance online Live online classroom plus materials and assistance online – Wimba Classroom, Wikis, Podcasts, Blogs, etc. 11

13 A Frequent Problem Staff do not consistently take advantage of educational technology Staff do not consistently take advantage of educational technology – Unaware of what is available? Attend conferences & talk with colleagues Attend conferences & talk with colleagues – Feeling of being overwhelmed by the unfamiliar? Talk to IT people (at UMSL, the Faculty Resource Center) Talk to IT people (at UMSL, the Faculty Resource Center) – Unsure of how to start? Add technology one step at a time Add technology one step at a time 12

14 Why use more technology? Students become more responsible for their own education. Students become more responsible for their own education. – You wont have to lug syllabi, handouts etc. to class and carry the leftovers back to the office. – You can make basic and supplementary materials easily available to those who choose to use them. – Students can help each other with Blackboard. Discussion Board Discussion Board Chat Room Chat Room – Students can interact with peers and instructor on Wimba PRONTO. 13

15 Important decisions! Computer enhanced lectures Web information resources Web information resources Web lessons & tutorials Web lessons & tutorials Multimedia CD-ROMS Multimedia CD-ROMS Audio & video conferencing Online distance education courses Email & Listservs Email & Listservs Bulletin-boards & online discussions Bulletin-boards & online discussions Document & application sharing Streaming media & webinars Streaming media & webinars Technology Pedagogy 14

16 Selecting appropriate technology. What can technology help me accomplish?What can technology help me accomplish? 1.Address an existing deficiency, gap, or problem. 2.Transfer or redistribute instructional functions or activities to another medium (blended instruction). 3.Empower students to be more responsible for their education. 4.Improve the effectiveness, efficiency (quality) of an instructional function, activity or process. 5.Experiment and discover better ways for teaching & learning. 15 Id like to try using some new technologies and methods in my teaching. Whats the best way to begin?

17 Design Focus 16 Integrating technology into your teaching Integrating technology into your teaching Selecting appropriate learning technologies Selecting appropriate learning technologies Designing Or Redesigning instruction using appropriate technology Instructional Design principles

18 Instructional Design Principles Learning is facilitated when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems. Learning is facilitated when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems. Learning is facilitated when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge. Learning is facilitated when existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge. Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is applied by the learner Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is applied by the learner Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is integrated into the learner's world. Learning is facilitated when new knowledge is integrated into the learner's world. 17

19 Take One Step At A Time! Use Blackboard Use Blackboard Features I have used (not all of them) Features I have used (not all of them) – Calendar – Course & Staff Information – Course Documents – Grade Book (Greatly improved for 08-09) – Assignment Manager – Chat Room – now I keep Wimba PRONTO running – Announcements – E-mail – Online quizzes 18

20 Take Small Simple Steps If you already use PowerPoint, take the next step! If you already use PowerPoint, take the next step! Use SMART Sympodium to enhance PowerPoint! Use SMART Sympodium to enhance PowerPoint! 19

21 Smart Board features in SMART Sympodium 20

22 SMART Sympodium Notebook 21

23 Link PPT to the Internet 22

24 Establish a Web Page Store your materials on the Web Page server Store your materials on the Web Page server – Use it as a warehouse for materials Link the web page to MyGateway Link the web page to MyGateway Easier to edit web page than it is to keep reprogramming MyGateway Easier to edit web page than it is to keep reprogramming MyGateway Demonstrate NVU Demonstrate NVU 23

25 Why link to a web page? Storing documents on the web page server greatly reduces set-up time from semester to semester. Storing documents on the web page server greatly reduces set-up time from semester to semester. The more that is stored on the class management server (BlackBoard, etc.), the slower it runs. The more that is stored on the class management server (BlackBoard, etc.), the slower it runs. Making changes is much simpler Making changes is much simpler – NVU web page editor 24

26 Stream Videos Convert your videos to WMV files. Convert your videos to WMV files. – Use the free Microsoft program to format WMV files for streaming. OR ask if your technology resource staff can do the formatting for you. (FRC at UMSL) OR ask if your technology resource staff can do the formatting for you. (FRC at UMSL) Store the files on the streaming server and link them to BlackBoard if you have such a server – If not, start requesting one. Store the files on the streaming server and link them to BlackBoard if you have such a server – If not, start requesting one. 25

27 Demonstrations MyGateway (BlackBoard) MyGateway (BlackBoard) MyGateway Website Website Website NVU (free web page editor) NVU (free web page editor) 26

28 Useful URLs (UMSL & Beyond) Faculty Resource Center Faculty Resource Center – Instructional Technology Services Home Page Instructional Technology Services Home Page – Downloadable Software Downloadable Software – _distribution/login.cfm _distribution/login.cfm Training opportunities Training opportunities – g/login.cfm g/login.cfm If you arent from UMSL, check to see what is available at your institution. If you arent from UMSL, check to see what is available at your institution. 27

29 Online Testing Center Online Testing Center – – Great when you have several sections of the same course and 100 plus students. 28

30 Thank you for your attention. If we can help....... – Joe NaumannJennifer Simms or Paul Wilmarth UMSLUMSL One University BoulevardOne University Boulevard Economics/Geography 408 SSBFaculty Resource Center – 450 CCB St. Louis, MO 63121St. Louis, MO 63121 314-516-4147314-516-6704 29

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