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Contemporary human evolution

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1 Contemporary human evolution
Brian O’Meara EEB464 Fall 2018

2 Learning objectives Has evolution stopped for humans? If not, how are humans still evolving?

3 Things that exist in nature:
"Is" and "Ought" are not necessarily the same We're going to be talking about how humans ARE evolving, not how we think they SHOULD be evolving. Much suffering has been caused by the latter. Things that exist in nature: Malaria Parental care Mass extinction Mutualism Caching food

4 Stearns et al. 2010

5 Stearns et al. 2010

6 Enattah et al. 2007

7 LDC = lactose digestion capacity = can process lactose
Holden & Mace 2009

8 LDC = lactose digestion capacity = can process lactose
Holden & Mace 2009

9 french canada Milot et al. 2011

10 Migration dataset is smaller, and assumes some gaps between births come from migration outside community; subfecundity includes all and ignores migration Milot et al. 2011

11 Indicated selection on reproduction: average age of first reproduction went from 26 to 22 over 140 years, change happened faster than expected under genetic drift Milot et al. 2011

12 Milot et al. 2011

13 Milot et al. 2011

14 Framingham, MA. Pop. 67,000. Framingham heart study

15 Byars et al. 2010

16 Evolution of things like cholesterol, hight, age of menopause, etc
Byars et al. 2010

17 Selection, but how heritable are these? Large social component?
Stearns et al. 2010

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