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CS122B: Projects in Databases and Web Applications Winter 2019

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1 CS122B: Projects in Databases and Web Applications Winter 2019
Professor Chen Li Department of Computer Science UC Irvine Notes 12: User-Defined Functions (UDF) in MySQL

2 Purpose SQL has its own limitations
Enhance DB using functions implemented in C

3 Example: edit distance
Edit distance between two strings is the minimum number of single-character operations (insert/delete/substitute) to transform one to the other Also known as Levenshtein distance Example: ed(”schwazeneger”, ”schwarzenegger”) = 2

4 Dynamic programming for edit distance

5 Example ed(”elephant”, ”relevant”) = 3

6 Supporting Edit Distance as UDF
Compile Edit distance Function in C: ed.c Shared library CREATE FUNCTION ed RETURNS INTEGER SONAME ''; SELECT ed('abc', 'ad'); MySQL

7 Example: using ed as a UDF
select * from stars where name = ’Arnold schwarzenegger' limit 5 select * from stars where ed(name, 'Arnold Schwarzeneger') <= 2 limit 5

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