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Quizzes on FD and NF Chapter 19

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1 Quizzes on FD and NF Chapter 19
The slides for this text are organized into chapters. This lecture covers Chapter 3, and introduces the relational model of data. It covers the data model and integrity constraints in detail, together with the related SQL commands for creating tables and expressing these constraints. We discuss how to take an ER design and convert it to the schema for a relational database. Querying and modifying tables, and the concept of views, are covered briefly. 1

2 Quiz 2 1) Is the following schema BCNF? R (Course#, Section#, Prof)
F={C#S# P; P C#} 2) Is it 3NF? 3) Can you fix this schema to satisfy certain normal form? Which NF does it satisfy? 4) What might be a problem in your solution for 3)? 5) What are the policies of this department? 25

3 Quiz 3 2. R=(A, B, C, G, H, I) 1. R=(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
F={AB E, AG J, BE I, E G, GI H} Prove or disprove AB GH 2. R=(A, B, C, G, H, I) F={A B, A C, CG H, CG I, B H} Compute the closure of X =AG 19

4 Quiz 4 Consider the following schema. Is it in 3NF?
R (Flight, From, To, Departs, Arrives, Duration, Type, First-class, Coach, Total-seat, #Meals) Keys={Flight; From To Departs; From To Arrives} F={Type First, Coach, Total; Departs Duration #Meals; Arrives Duration #Meals; First Coach Total; First Total Coach; Coach Total First} If it is in 3NF, prove it. If not, make it. 25

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