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Chapter 27: Using technology operations. Technology In the business world, the application of practical, mechanical, electrical and related sciences to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 27: Using technology operations. Technology In the business world, the application of practical, mechanical, electrical and related sciences to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 27: Using technology operations

2 Technology In the business world, the application of practical, mechanical, electrical and related sciences to industry and commerce. In this chapter, specific attention is paid to the following aspects of technology: –Robotics –Automation, such as stock control –Communications –Design

3 Robotics Some of the main applications of robotics are: –Handling operations (on a production line, robots can be used to manipulate materials and components into position, in order for other production activities to take place) –Welding (joining together materials) –Other production applications (such as dispensing liquid, painting and coating materials, sealing components and gluing, cutting, grinding, polishing) –Assembling –Packaging and palletising –Measurement, inspection and testing –Hazardous applications

4 Automation The use of machinery to replace human resources Technology is important in several aspects of automation: –Production Planning –Operating – in CAM (computer-aided manufacture), the use of robots and fully automated production lines, controlled by computers, has increased productivity and reduced the problems arising from human error. –Controlling – computer-based quality assurance systems –Stock control: Computer programs linked to statistics on patterns of consumer purchases allow firms to anticipate changes in stock levels more accurately Allows organisations to access instantly their current stock levels EPOS (electronic point of sale) systems link tills to stock control and will order new stock automatically when an item has fallen to the reorder level Firms can establish the locations where stock is being held, so that in emergencies, stock can be moved between branches

5 Communications ICT – Information and Communication Technology Allows firms to improve both internal and external communications, improving efficiency and the firms understanding of its market Internal information can be processed and amended more quickly Company intranets enable employees (and suppliers and customers if necessary) to access company information at any time Increases the speed of communication Using loyalty cards, firms can accumulate information on the buying habits of their customers (Relationship marketing) The internet has created a whole new category of business (e-commerce or companies) – can bring advantages to the firms that use it.

6 Design Comparison and testing of new ideas – different ideas can be introduced and compared much more quickly in a CAD (computer-aided design) system than in a manual one. Creation of new products

7 Other aspects of technology Technology also influences: –Investor Relations – improves the scope for communicating accounting information to stakeholders –The nature of employment: New skills and jobs are needed and have been introduced Multi-skilling of staff – creating jobs that are less rigidly defined and adaptable to changes in the workplace - Changes in working practices – offers greater flexibility in terms of the place of employment ie: Teleworking (people working from home)

8 Benefits of using technology in operations: Reducing costs Improving quality Reducing waste Increasing productivity Flexibility Financial monitoring New and better products/services Better working conditions

9 Issues in introducing and updating technology Resistance to change Lower morale Cost Keeping up with change Lower barriers to entry

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