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Note: Title should match what you want to see in HealthStream

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Presentation on theme: "Note: Title should match what you want to see in HealthStream"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: Title should match what you want to see in HealthStream

2 Background info for Developer
Duplicate slide templates as needed. The first set of slides is to provide information for the Developer and help ensure the objectives, content and post test questions align.

3 Why offer course? Expected outcome?
Problem/Issue to Address Goal of Course/Outcome 1) What problem or issue will this course address? Basically, why are you offering this course? If compliance/mandated, what is the underlying issue? Why is there a regulation around this? What are the stats, harm, safety issue? 2) Goal of this course. How will it address the issue? High level outcome.

4 How It Pertains to Me (Call to action)
Increasing Engagement of End User: How does this pertain to me? Why is it important I know this information/skill? Call to action. How do I impact the success of this effort/outcome Why I should be motivated to change or apply what I learn. ** The Developer will weave this into course.

5 Align Objective to Post Test Questions
At the end of this course, you will be to Post Test Questions Objective 1 Question Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Performance Objectives focus on the behavior you want to see as a result of completing this learning module 3-5 objectives are typically sufficient per module. If there are a lot more maybe you need another module? Something to think about. To help narrow down content, align with objectives. What do they need to know or do to accomplish this objective. Once you narrow down the content. Come back and make sure you have test questions that align with objective and content. Can have multiple post test questions per objective. Most important information. **URL: How to write objectives (will have this in our next version)

6 ADD YOUR CONTENT Use the next series of slides to create content
Duplicate slide templates as needed. Use the next series of slides to create content

7 **Notes which objective this content aligns with here

8 **Notes which objective this content aligns with here

9 **Notes which objective this content aligns with here

10 **Notes which objective this content aligns with here

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