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Distance-Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs

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1 Distance-Constraint Reachability Computation in Uncertain Graphs
Ruoming Jin, Lin Liu Kent State University Bolin Ding UIUC Haixun Wang MSRA

2 Uncertainty is ubiquitous!
Why Uncertain Graphs? Increasing importance of graph/network data Social Network, Biological Network, Traffic/Transportation Network, Peer-to-Peer Network Probabilistic perspective gets more and more attention recently. Uncertainty is ubiquitous! Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Social Networks Probabilistic Trust/Influence Model False Positive > 45%

3 Uncertain Graph Model Possible worlds (2#Edge) Edge Independence
Existence Probability Possible worlds (2#Edge) G1: G2: Weight of G2: Pr(G2) = 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.6 (1-0.5) * * * * (1-0.4) (1-0.9) (1-0.1) (1-0.3) = * * * *

4 Distance-Constraint Reachability (DCR) Problem
Given distance constraint d and two vertices s and t, Target Source What is the probability that s can reach t within distance d? A generalization of the two-terminal network reliability problem, which has no distance constraint.

5 Important Applications
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks Communication happens only when node distance is limited. Social Networks Trust/Influence can only be propagated only through small number of hops. Traffic Networks Travel distance (travel time) query What is the probability that we can reach the airport within one hour?

6 Example: Exact Computation
d = 2, ? First Step: Enumerate all possible worlds (29), Pr(G1) Pr(G2) Pr(G3) Pr(G4) Second Step: Check for distance-constraint connectivity, … + Pr(G1) * 0 + Pr(G2) * 1 + Pr(G3) * 0 + Pr(G4) * 1 + … =

7 Approximating Distance-Constraint Reachability Computation
Hardness Two-terminal network reliability is #P-Complete. DCR is a generalization. Our goal is to approximate through Sampling Unbiased estimator Minimal variance Low computational cost

8 Start from the most intuitive estimators, right?

9 Direct Sampling Approach
Sampling Process Sample n graphs Sample each graph according to edge probability

10 Direct Sampling Approach (Cont’)
Estimator Unbiased Variance = 1, s reach t within d; = 0, otherwise. Indicator function

11 Path-Based Approach Generate Path Set
Enumerate all paths from s to t with length ≤ d Enumeration methods E.g., DFS

12 Path-Based Approach (Cont’)
Path set Exactly computed by Inclusion-Exclusion principle Approximated by Monte-Carlo Algorithm by R. M. Karp and M. G. Luby ( ) Unbiased Variance

13 Can we do better?

14 Divide-and-Conquer Methodology
Example +(s,a) -(s,a) +(a,t) -(a,t) +(s,b) -(s,b)

15 Divide and Conquer (Cont’)
Summarize: # of leaf nodes is smaller than 2|E| . Each possible world exists only in one leaf node. Reachability is the sum of the weights of blue nodes. Leaf nodes form a nice sample space. all possible worlds Graphs having e1 Graphs not Having e1 s can reach t. s can not reach t.

16 How do we sample? Unequal probability sampling
Start from here Pri: Sample Unit Weight; Sum of possible worlds’ probabilities in the node. qi: sampling probability, determined by properties of coins along the way. Unequal probability sampling Hansen-Hurwitz (HH) estimator Horvitz-Thomson (HT) estimator Sample Unit

17 Hansen-Hurwitz (HH) Estimator
sample size = 1, blue node = 0, red node Estimator Unbiased Variance Weight Sampling probability To minimize the variance above, we have :Pri = qi Pri = p(e1)*p(e2)*(1-p(e3))*… Pri: the leaf node weight qi: the sampling probability P(e1) 1-P(e1) p(e1) : 1 – p(e1) P(e2) 1-P(e2) 1-P(e4) P(e4) 1-P(e3) p(e2) : 1 – p(e2) P(e3) p(e3) : 1 – p(e3)

18 Horvitz-Thomson (HT) Estimator
# of Unique sample units Estimator Unbiased Variance To minimize vairance, we find Pri = qi Smaller variance than HH estimator

19 Can we further reduce the variance and computational cost?

20 Recursive Estimator Unbiased Variance: n1 + n2 = n
Sample the entire space n times Sample the sub-space n1 times Sample the sub-space n2 times We can not minimize the variance without knowing τ1 and τ2. Then what can we do?

21 Sample Allocation We guess: What if We find: Variance reduced!
n1 = n*p(e) n2 = n*(1-p(e))? We find: Variance reduced! HH Estimator: HT Estimator:

22 Sample Allocation (Cont’)
Sampling Time Reduced!! Sample size = n Directly allocate samples n1=n*p(e1) n2=n*(1-p(e1)) n3=n1*p(e2) n4=n1*(1-p(e2)) Toss coin when sample size is small

23 Experimental Setup Experiment setting Goal: System Specification
Relative Error Variance Computational Time System Specification 2.0GHz Dual Core AMD Opteron CPU 4.0GB RAM Linux

24 Experimental Results Synthetic datasets Erdös-Rényi random graphs
Vertex#: 5000, edge density: 10, Sample size: 1000 Categorized by extracted-subgraph size (#edge) For each category, 1000 queries

25 Experimental Results Real datasets
DBLP: 226,000 vertices, 1,400,000 edges Yeast PPIN: 5499 vertices, edges Fly PPIN: 7518 vertices, edges Extracted subgraphs size: 20 ~ 50 edges

26 Conclusions We first propose a novel s-t distance-constraint reachability problem in uncertain graphs. One efficient exact computation algorithm is developed based on a divide-and-conquer scheme. Compared with two classic reachability estimators, two significant unequal probability sampling estimators Hansen-Hurwitz (HH) estimator and Horvitz-Thomson (HT) estimator. Based on the enumeration tree framework, two recursive estimators Recursive HH, and Recursive HT are constructed to reduce estimation variance and time. Experiments demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our estimators.

27 Thank you ! Questions?

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