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~pend hang, weigh, pay.

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Presentation on theme: "~pend hang, weigh, pay."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~pend hang, weigh, pay

2 Appendix (n.) Dependent (adj.) Expenditure (n.) Impending (adj.) Independent (adj.) Pendant (n.) Pending (adj.) Pendulum(n.) Perpendicular (adj.) Suspended (v.)

3 Appendix (n.) A collection of supplementary materials that usually hangs at the end of a book Extra materials added to the end of a books The author included maps and charts in the appendix of the book.

4 Dependent (adj.) Relying on someone else for aid or support
Weighing down on someone Children are dependent on their parents for financial support and help with their homework.

5 Expenditure (n.) An expense
The amount of money that needs to be paid out If you are spending more money than you earn, you have too many expenditures.

6 Impending (adj.) About to occur To threaten to happen
To weigh down upon someone The siren sounded in the town to warn people about the impending tornado.

7 Independent (adj.) Not relying on someone else for aid or support
Not weighing down on someone else This boy is working independently without help from a teacher.

8 Pendant (n.) An object that hangs usually from a necklace
Her great-grandmother’s pendant hung from the gold chain she wore ever day.

9 Pending (adj.) Hanging on Something not yet decided
Awaiting a conclusion Linda’s admittance into college was pending because they hadn’t received her final grades.

10 Pendulum(n.) Something that hangs and swings back and forth
The magician tried to hypnotize a person with a pendulum.

11 Perpendicular (adj.) Intersecting at or forming right angles
Perpendicular lines intersect to form right angles.

12 Suspended (v.) Hanging Delayed
A spider web was suspended between two trees.

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