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8th Meeting Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature

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Presentation on theme: "8th Meeting Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature"— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Meeting Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature
The EU biodiversity baseline 22 June 2010 Carlos Romão

2 EU biodiversity baseline ...since the last CGBN
Mid April Summary + elements for scoreboard (draft fact sheets) Eionet consultation (EEA) Commission services (ENV) Mid May Information meeting with NGOs/Stakeholders (ENV)

3 EU biodiversity baseline products (i)
Released during Green Week 2 page summary of key findings – flyer Summary of facts and figures – brochure

4 EU biodiversity baseline products (ii)
To be realesed in September 2010, before COP10 of the CBD (Nagoya, Japan) EEA Technical Report – EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline with the full set of facts and figures and related information Eionet consultation endJuly/begining September

5 EU biodiversity baseline products (iii)
Technical report – main content EU headline target species, habitats, Natura 2000, global dimension Facts and figures on ecosystems agro-ecosystem, grasslands, heath and scrub, forests, wetlands, rivers and lakes, coastal, marine Pressures and threats habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution, invasive alien species, climate change Ecosystem services Analysis of gaps

6 Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention

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