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Introduction BASICS Education Instructors

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction BASICS Education Instructors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction BASICS Education Instructors
© BASICS Education March 2019

2 House keeping Fire Exits & Alarms Food and refreshments Toilets
Mobile phones & pagers off / silent

3 Why are we here? The course is designed to prepare the
Immediate Care Practitioner to work safely and effectively in the pre-hospital environment Provide an insight into the change in role to that of First Responder

4 This course is assessed using continual assessment techniques
Why are we here? You must successfully complete this course before being allowed to work on board This course is assessed using continual assessment techniques

5 Health & Safety Various elements of this course expose the instructors and candidates to a certain degree of risk. These risks include such things as: Manual handling Slips/trips/falls Sharps Others Risk assessments for all skill stations are at the rear of the room please make yourselves familiar with their content. Please adhere to all instructions from members of the faculty regarding health & safety matters

6 The aims of pre-hospital care
Structured Approach Standardised Reproducible Seamless Team Effort <C> Ac B C D E

7 The Chain of Survival

8 The Trauma Chain of Survival

9 Trimodal distribution of trauma deaths
50% 30% Airway Blood loss Mins Hours Days Weeks 20% (Multi) Organ failure / Sepsis Catastrophic bleeds

10 If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Preparation Appropriate training Correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Standardised medical equipment If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail Experience at working with the emergency services at the scene of accidents is the best way to become skilled,but, looking at these main areas of preparation should provide a firm platform to build on,& the 4 main areas which you should consider even before leaving for the scene of the incident are: Training Protective clothing Equipment Vehicle

11 Personal Protective Equipment

12 Medical equipment Standardised & compatible Pre-packed & ready to go
Checked regularly and recorded Photograph of Sandpiper Bag – standard issue in Scotland for BASICS responders

13 Actions on receipt of activation call
Confirm location Confirm access routes Note other responses Be dressed & equipped properly

14 Generic principles of incident management
C - command S - safety C - communications A - assess T - triage T - treat T - transport

15 You are responsible for:
Scene assessment SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT You are responsible for: Yourself The scene The patient(s) Safety can be seen to have 4 dimensions Left and Right Up and Down Front and Back Time

16 Hazards Machinery Debris Fuel spillage Fire, Chemicals Electricity
Falling objects The weather The sea Rescue equipment

17 Hazardous incidents Beware Puddles underfoot Wind direction?

18 Multiple casualties - triage
Identify priority casualties

19 The key to a successful outcome is..

20 Introduction Questions?

21 Carnival UK Immediate Care Course

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