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WS Technology Infusion Roadmap Idea Scrap book July 5005 DSWG – Infusion – Web Services.

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1 WS Technology Infusion Roadmap Idea Scrap book July 5005 DSWG – Infusion – Web Services

2 Background Stuff Earth Science Info Environment –ES Information Environment Data Providers, Users, Info System –ES Computing Business Models Value Chains, Value Shops and Value Networks Web Service Technologies –WS types SOAP, REST –WS Technology Features Lose coupling, SOA, Standards-based –Current Standards WS-* stack

3 WS Development Path WS – Current State –Where are we now General technology Infusion state Cases) WS - Desired State –Where do we want to be NASA ES info technology vision (From photons to farming; ) Infusion vision – Dave – need to connect WS Vision to Capability Vision Doc) WS – Path from Current-to-Desired State –Road map Infusion Strategies WS Technologies Timeline

4 New Information System Capabilities: The Top Ten Interactive Data Analysis Reduce research algorithm implementation from months to hours Interoperable Information Services Increase synergy within the Earth science community through service chaining Seamless Data Access Enable access to any data from anywhere Assisted Data & Service Discovery Identify needed data quickly and easily Assisted Knowledge Building Provide research and operations assistance Community Modeling Frameworks Enable linked and ensemble models for improved predictive capability Responsive Information Delivery Ensure research priorities are met and enable new uses of Earth science data Verifiable Information Quality Provide confidence in products and enable community data providers Evolvable Technical Infrastructure Exploit emerging technologies Scalable Analysis Portals Connect user friendly analysis tools with global information resources NASA Earth Science Information Systems Capability Vision Prepared by the Earth Science Data Systems Working Group

5 WS-Technology Infusion Strategies Evolutionary –Translation of some legacy software components to WS –Examples: Castaneda, Malaret, Benedict Transformation –Full substitution of legacy systems with distributed WS –Examples: DataFed, WorldBrain Visionary –Introduction of new approaches and technologies –Example: SciFlo, ?

6 WS-Technologies for Infusion Facilitation of Publish, Find, Bind/Compose, Do (Basic & advanced) Publish: Turn Data & Procedures into Services –Wrappers for data and services –Service registration (UDDI, ??) Find: Registries for Data and Services –WSDL Bind/Compose: Connect Services –Interoperability Standards –WS Composition Tools Cases-Projects for Interoperability –Ad hoc cases, NASA Incentives

7 WS-Technology Infusion: Time Line Gantt Chart –Registries –Interoperability Standards –Interoperability Cases-Projects

8 D. Isaac Notes Web Services Technology Infusion Plan Goal –o Make Earth science data more readily available for further analysis & modeling via the Internet –o Provide Internet/Web service interfaces that deliver data tailored according to user needs rather than provider convenience –o Provide Internet/Web services for data analysis that leverage in-place data and computational capabilities to satisfy user information needs Barriers & Actions –o Slow community adoption of core technologies including SOAP, WCS/WFS/WMS, and OpenDAP – Deploy core technologies through funded research projects 17 REASON CAN projects funded that include deployment of web service core technologies (Di, Webb, Wentz, Kempler, Bar-Server, Yunck, Lambert, Armstrong, Bordeaux, Skole/Justice, Morain, Zlotnicki, Stow, Townsend, Falke, Ackerman, Cornillon) – Increase community understanding of core technologies Disseminate information on strengths & weaknesses of alternative technologies relative to Earth science needs –o Disseminate information on use of web services for Earth science, esp. challenges and solutions –o Publish alternatives discussion paper at an Earth science related conference Encourage formation of BOF technical groups for OpenDAP, WS, and WxS. Conduct a pilot/demonstration of linked Web services. – Identify reusable components to support web services Work with Reuse working group to identify & catalog reusable components – Implement & deploy a WS reference implementation that can be replicated by others wishing to use or publish web services. –o Weak support for efficient (binary) data encoding and large data transfers in web services – Establish conventions for third-party binary data transfers in web services – Promote WS-binary standard – Determine applicability of SOAP-plus-attachments –o Lack of conventions for exchange of Earth-science service parameters – Promote service-related metadata standards –o Lack of community knowledge about available services – Create an inventory of available services for Earth science Extend GCMD to identify and specify callable services. Use new ECHO service repository capabilities to publish services Request service information from ESIP community and disseminate through mailing lists and other mechanisms Leverage NVO?

9 Karen Notes 10-20 yr Timed on the bottom After done How it is used - science domains - new capability

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