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eSeries Entities By Julie Ladner

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1 eSeries Entities By Julie Ladner
Based on the Metadata Configuration Guide

2 Objectives Viewing Entity Definitions Viewing Entity Field Details Modifying an Entity Field

3 Screenshot: Entity example.
Entities are objects that store data in the database. The entities section allows you to customize fields, validations and rules on each entity. Each entity is connected to a table in the database as illustrated in the diagram given below. Screenshot: Entity example.

4 Screenshot: Metadata section on the Left Navigation bar
Viewing Entity Definitions To get to the Entities section, click on System Setup from the left navigation and then click on Metadata and then Entity Definitions or Entities. Screenshot: Metadata section on the Left Navigation bar

5 Screenshot: Entity Definitions screen.
The Entity Definitions screen displays a list of all the entities, and the number of fields, forms, rules and validations on each entity. Screenshot: Entity Definitions screen.

6 Entities Navigation Tree
You can also navigate through the entity structure from the left navigation bar. Entities in eCourt are organized in a hierarchical structure. At the top of the structure is the entity Case, and all others fall under Case. When you click the plus (+) symbol next to Entity Definitions, it displays the top most entity in the eCourt entity hierarchy – Case. When you click on the plus (+) symbol next to Case, it displays all the entities that are under Case. When you click on the plus (+) symbol next to Party, it displays all entities under Party, and so on.

7 A Case can have more than one Party, a Party can have more than one Charge, and a Charge can have more than one Sentence. In other words, Sentence is the child of Charge, which is the child of Party, which is a child of Case. Case being the Parent. Screenshot: Entities Navigation Tree

8 Viewing Entity Field Details
When you click on an entity name link, the Entity Details screen is displayed.

9 Screenshot: Name, Description, Table, and Versioned
At the top of the screen is Name, Description, Table, and Versioned. The Name field refers to the entity. Description is a brief description of the entity. Viewing the Case Entity Table refers to the database table name. Versioned refers to whether or not this entity is versioned (Cont). Screenshot: Name, Description, Table, and Versioned

10 Screenshot: Versioned
Versioned If versioning is turned on, all modifications to an object will be tracked in a separate version table in the database. The audit log in eCourt can only run on entities that are versioned. Viewing the Case Entity Screenshot: Versioned

11 Screenshot: Viewing Entity Fields
Plain Fields are fields in the entity that are of simple or primitive data types like (string, double, date, Boolean etc.). Viewing Entity Field Details Screenshot: Viewing Entity Fields

12 Viewing Entity Field Details
Entity and collection fields are links to other entities. In database terms foreign keys to other tables. The difference between an entity and a collection field is that entity fields are singular reference and collection fields reference a list or set of other entities. Viewing Entity Field Details Transient Plain, Entity, and Collection Fields are for non-persistent data that consists of calculations or other logic. Screenshot: Entity, Collection, Transient (Plain, Entity, and Collection) fields

13 Screenshot: Screen Widgets, API Methods & Static API Methods
Screen Widgets are UI components for the entity that can be dragged and dropped into forms for data entry. API Methods are methods or functions that perform some action. These methods can be called from business rules. Viewing Entity Field Details Static API Methods are methods that can be called on this entity without instantiating the object. Screenshot: Screen Widgets, API Methods & Static API Methods

14 Plain Fields Plain Fields are fields in the entity that are of simple or primitive data types like (string, double, date, Boolean etc.). Each plain field has a corresponding column of the same data type in the database.

15 For each Plain Field the following attributes are listed: Data Type, Description, Unq., Not Null, Max. Length, Idx, and Copyable From. Plain Fields Attributes

16 Screenshot: Party Entity field relationships.
Entity Fields Entity Fields refer to the key fields that are used to link or relate the tables together. In database terms they would be the foreign key fields in other tables. Screenshot: Party Entity field relationships.

17 For each Entity Field the following attributes are listed: Column Name, Parent, Data Type, Description, Relationship, Peer Field, Unique, Not Null, and Copyable From. Entity Field Attributes

18 Collection fields Collection Fields are similar to Entity Fields in the fact that they both deal with links between other entities. The difference is in the relationship. There is a many-to-one relationship between an entity field and the collection field and a one-to- many relation between a collection field and the entity field. Screenshot: Each Case can have one or multiple CasePerson’s.

19 For each Collection Field the following attributes are listed: Column Name, Data Type, Description, Relationship, Peer Field, Unique, Not Null, and Copyable From. Collection Field Attributes

20 Transient Plain Fields
Transient Plain Fields are not persistent data, meaning they are not stored in the database, and return a primitive data type like (string, double, date, Boolean etc.). They are a result of a calculation or some logic. There is no corresponding field in the database.

21 For example, on the Case entity there is a Transient Plain Field called invoicesBalance. This field totals all the balances for each invoice on a case and return a single number. Transient Plain Fields Example Another example is the Age, which displays the age of the Case, by taking the Case Filling Date and crossing it with today’s date.

22 For each Transient Plain Field the following attributes are listed: Data Type and Description.
Transient Plain Fields Attributes

23 Transient Entity Fields
Transient Entity Fields, return an Object (Entity).

24 For example, the currentAssignment field is designed to find the current available Case Assignment and return the entire Case Assignment object. Another example is the lastEvent field, that returns the last Scheduled Event object. Transient Entity Fields Examples

25 For each Transient Entity Field the following attributes are listed: Data Type and Description.
Transient Entity Fields Attributes

26 Transient Collection Fields
Transient Collection Fields, return a collection (more than one object) of the same type.

27 For example, the currentAssignments field is designed to find all current available Case Assignments. Transient Collection Fields Example Another example is the casePeople field, that returns all CasePerson’s dealing with the Case.

28 For each Transient Collection Field the following attributes are listed: Data Type and Description.
Transient Collection Field Attributes

29 Screen Widgets Screen Widgets are UI components for the entity that can be dragged and dropped into forms for data entry.

30 API Methods API Methods are methods or functions that perform some action. These methods can be called from business rules.

31 Static API Methods Static API Methods are methods that can be called on this entity without instantiating the object.

32 Modifying Entity Fields
When modifying any Entity Field, usually the Name and Data Type field are not accessible. Other fields like Description, Unique, Not Null, Max Length, and Indexed can all be modified by click the field.

33 The Copyable From field can be modified by clicking the Add plus symbol button.
Modifying the Copyable From Field

34 Once the Add button has been clicked, the Choose, drop-down list is displayed. From the list you can choose the entity where the data will be Copied From. Modifying the Copyable From Field

35 After choosing the Entity, another Choose, drop-down list is displayed
After choosing the Entity, another Choose, drop-down list is displayed. This list will display the specific field that the data will be Copied From. Modifying the Copyable From Field

36 You can add additional Copyable Fields by clicking the Add plus symbol button again.
Modifying the Copyable From Field When completed click the Save button.

37 Adding a New Entity Field
All entities can have custom Entity Fields. Note that additions to metadata should not be done without a complete understanding of the structure being used. To Add metadata, click the Edit Entry button.

38 After clicking the Edit Entry button, the Plain Fields section will have a Add Plain Field button. When you click it, a new field row will be added. Adding Plain Fields

39 Enter the field information, like the Name, Data Type, etc
Enter the field information, like the Name, Data Type, etc., and click Save. The field will be added. Adding Plain Fields

40 Whenever a new custom field is created a message will appear at the top informing the user that “Metadata has been altered, please restart system…”. When the server is restarted the field will be available. Adding Plain Fields

41 Adding Entity Fields After clicking the Edit Entry button, the Entity Fields section will have a Add Entity Field button. When you click it, a new field row will be added.

42 After clicking the Edit Entry button, the Entity Fields section will have a Add Entity Field button. When you click it, a new field row will be added. Adding Entity Fields When the row appears you can enter the information.

43 For each Transient Entity Field the following attributes are listed: Data Type and Description.
Transient Entity Fields Attributes

44 Adding Collections Fields
After clicking the Edit Entry button, the Entity Fields section will have a Add Collection Field button. When you click it, a new field row will be added.

45 Adding Transient Fields (Plain, Entity, and Collection)
After clicking the Edit Entry button, the Transient Fields section will have a Add Transient Plain Field, Add Transient Entity Field, or Add Transient Collection Field button depending on the section.

46 A transient field in the PersonProfile called ageOnDateOfViolation to return if the age of the defendant on the date of violation. Example of Transient Plain Field

47 A transient field in the CasePerson called mailingAddress to return the mailing address of the person. Example of Transient Entity Field

48 A transient field in the Case to return all the motions filed on the case.
Example of Transient Collection Field

49 Conclusion This Powerpoint is based upon the guide “Metadata Configuration Guide,” which includes detailed information regarding each column, and many more sections.


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