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Unit 2 Communication cycle Y Letson 2006.

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1 Unit 2 Communication cycle Y Letson 2006

2 Stage 1 – Sender decides what they want to say
Stage 2 – Sender chooses a medium by which to send their message Stage 3 – Transfer of information Stage 4 – Reception of information Stage 5 – Decoding of information Stage 6 – Feedback, the receiver may show reaction Stage 7 – Response. Y Letson 2006

3 How the Cycle works Look at the comic strips and discuss how you see the cycle working. Y Letson 2006

4 Y Letson 2006

5 Y Letson 2006

6 What about the cartoon as a form of communication?
How do the cartoons fit in the communication cycle? What message are they sending? Y Letson 2006

7 Y Letson 2006

8 Y Letson 2006

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