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Acting out in the classroom: altering Negative behavior

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1 Acting out in the classroom: altering Negative behavior
Ms. Burke IS 223 – Mott Hall School

2 How do your teachers expect you to act and behave in class?
Raise hand and wait to be called on Don’t shout out How do your teachers expect you to act and behave in class? One voice Be respectful to classmates ASK: How do your teachers expect you to act and behave in class? Share out student responses, then reveal pop-ups Listen to teacher instructions

3 How should we act in class?
Do not speak while another person is speaking Be respectful of what others say Do not shout out Raise your hand and WAIT to be called on Be respectful to your teacher and listen to instructions ASK: What student behaviors and actions are appropriate for class? Allow students time to brainstorm and share ideas aloud via turn and talk, then share.

4 The Public Policy Analyst Steps
1. Define the Problem 2. Gather the Evidence 3. Identify the Causes 4. Examine an Existing Policy 5. Develop New Solutions 6. Select the Best Solution

5 Define the Problem ASK: What is the problem with student behavior in the classroom? Students behave differently from class to class. They behave properly and act appropriately for some teachers, but not others.

6 disrespectful to their teacher
Students have been disrespectful to their teacher

7 Gather Evidence Students call out in class without being called on
Students argue with teacher Students carry on personal conversations during class instruction Students talk throughout the class ASK: What evidence would you have that student behavior is not appropriate for the classroom? Students share out responses. Review evidence from teacher’s POV

8 Identify Causes What are some reasons that you practice appropriate classroom behaviors with some teachers but not others?

9 Identify Causes No consequences for behavior
Not having respect for the teacher Feel teacher is disrespectful to student(s) Teacher may have confusing or unclear expectations for students After students share out their causes, go through a list of common causes. *Make sure to explain the reasons to students from a teacher’s POV.

10 Evaluate Existing Policies
1. Verbal warning/conference 2. Phone call home to parents 3. Detention 4. In-school conference with parents

11 Develop Solutions What are some solutions to this problem?
ASK: What are some solutions to this problem? How can we increase student respect for their teachers and improve student behaviors in the classroom? On SmartBoard, chart out responses that students come up with.

12 Select Best Solution Write a proposal stating and describing the solution you think will best solve the problem. Support claim (solution) with evidence that you have gathered with your group. Explain how that evidence helped you arrive at your solution. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this policy? Why do you think your solution is the best? Hint: Best solution is highly effective and easy to implement!


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