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Lesson 15 Befuddle, Chutzpah, Complacent, Connive, Crass, Fallacy, Hypercritical, Indiscreet, Laudable, Liege, Noxious, Odium, Pandemonium, Parsimonious,

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 15 Befuddle, Chutzpah, Complacent, Connive, Crass, Fallacy, Hypercritical, Indiscreet, Laudable, Liege, Noxious, Odium, Pandemonium, Parsimonious,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 15 Befuddle, Chutzpah, Complacent, Connive, Crass, Fallacy, Hypercritical, Indiscreet, Laudable, Liege, Noxious, Odium, Pandemonium, Parsimonious, Verbose

2 Befuddle V. to confuse; to perplex SYN: bewilder; fluster
ANT: clarify; elucidate

3 Chutzpah N. nerve; audacity SYN: brazenness; effrontery ANT: timidity

4 Complacent Adj. self-satisfied; smug SYN: assured; confident
ANT: humble

5 Connive V. to cooperate secretly in wrongdoing SYN: conspire

6 Crass Adj. coarse; tasteless SYN: crude ANT: refined

7 Fallacy N. a mistaken notion; a misconception ANT: truth

8 Hypercritical Adj. overcritical; too severe in judgment
SYN: faultfinding ANT: lax

9 Indiscreet Adj. not wise or judicious; imprudent, as in speech or action SYN: flagrant; tactless ANT: prudent

10 Laudable Adj. worthy of praise; commendable SYN: admirable
ANT: execrable

11 Liege N. a lord, master, or sovereign SYN: king ANT: commoner; servant

12 Noxious Adj. harmful to the health SYN: injurious ANT: harmless

13 Odium N. hatred SYN: abhorrence ANT: love; adoration

14 Pandemonium N. a wild disorder, noise, or confusion
SYN: chaos; tumult; din ANT: order; calm

15 Parsimonious Adj. excessively thrifty; stingy SYN: cheap
ANT: extravagant

16 Verbose Adj. using more words than are needed; wordy SYN: prolix
ANT: terse; concise; succinct

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