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The Egypt Game Vocabulary Words Chapter 6 - 9

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1 The Egypt Game Vocabulary Words Chapter 6 - 9
Fifth Grade 4th Nine Weeks

2 Words to Know rituals papyrus incense tunics sinister summoned
dutifully languish processions

3 rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish tunics summoned sinister Giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen

4 tunics rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish
summoned tunics A loose garment, typically sleeveless and reaching to the wearer's knees, as worn in ancient Greece and Rome.

5 summoned Urgently demand rituals incense sinister dutifully
processions papyrus languish tunics summoned summoned Urgently demand

6 ritual rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish
tunics summoned ritual A religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

7 Careful to fulfill obligations.
rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish tunics summoned dutifully Careful to fulfill obligations.

8 A thick paper-like material produced from the pith of the papyrus
rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish tunics summoned papyrus A thick paper-like material produced from the pith of the papyrus

9 The action of moving forward in such a way:
rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus languish tunics summoned processions The action of moving forward in such a way:

10 incense rituals incense sinister dutifully processions papyrus
languish tunics summoned incense A gum, spice, or other substance that is burned for the sweet smell it produces.

11 languish To grow weak. rituals incense sinister dutifully processions
papyrus languish tunics summoned languish To grow weak.

12 ceremonies rulers Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The Greeks had many rituals that all of the citizens took part in. ceremonies rulers

13 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The Egyptians used incense as a ceremonial tool. Sweet smell fighters

14 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
My little brother had a sinister look on his face as he stole a cookie from the cookie jar. evil adult

15 obeying happy Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
He comes across as a very dutiful, law-abiding citizen with the best interests of his traveling passengers at heart. obeying happy

16 Walk forward in a line rules
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The students in the class of 2013 followed a procession as they collected their diplomas. Walk forward in a line rules

17 Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
Egyptians used papyrus to write on. pens A form of paper

18 Became weak Was a criminal
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The man languished in jail after many years. Became weak Was a criminal

19 Loose, sleeveless garment
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Egyptian wore tunics as part of their everyday clothing. Loose, sleeveless garment Had died

20 beckoned killed Which means the same thing as the underlined word?
The kings summoned his court to the castle. beckoned killed

21 You’ve got it!

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