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Helwig Diabetes Center

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1 Helwig Diabetes Center
Type 2 Diabetes Class #4 October 1, 2012

2 Protein Very lean proteins  pg. 28, 29 Lean meats  pg. 30
Try choosing these at the majority of your meals Notice the high sodium proteins Lean meats  pg. 30 Recommend fish 2-3 times per week Medium fat proteins  pg. 31 Fried meats, poultry with skin High fat proteins  pg. 32 BBQ type foods, special occasions Not all proteins are created equal! Page 28! 35 kcal, 7g pro, 0-1g fat, 0 carbs be careful of high sodium ones Lean meats have a bit more fat, 3g, and some also have excellent omega 3 FA---recommend fish 2-3x/wk pay attention to serving sizes

3 What types of fats should be included in my diet?
Examples Heart Healthy? Monounsaturated Fats Olive oil, canola oil, avocado, peanut butter, almonds Yes! Polyunsaturated Fats Corn oil, cottonseed oil, mayonnaise, margarine, walnuts Not so much… Saturated Fats Bacon, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, lard No. Trans Fats Hydrogenated fats, processed and packaged foods No! What types of fats should be included in my diet?

4 How do fats in my diet affect my cholesterol?
Type of Fat Effect on LDL Effect on HDL Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Saturated ↑↑ Remember LDL=lousy, HDL=healthy This doesn’t mean to overload yourself on good fats…moderation is always key and when choosing fats in your diet, try to stick to monounsaturated.. Recommendation for cholesterol is no more than 300mg/day Cholesterol comes from animal sources of food…if it had a liver, it has cholesterol! What types of foods do you think are high in CH???

5 Choosing fats in my diet
Reading the label.. Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat 100 ≤ 3g ≤ 1g 200 ≤ 6g ≤ 2g 300 ≤ 9g Within these limits = heart healthy!

6 What about omega 3’s? Omega 3 fatty acids are also heart healthy
They can be found in foods such as fish, flax and walnuts. Omega 3’s are good because they can lower triglyceride levels TGs are fats moving thru the blood stream Ask your doctor before supplementing with omega 3’s Recommendation of fish 3x/week (tilapia, cod, salmon)

7 Salt Too much sodium in your diet can increase your blood pressure  damages your arteries Blood pressure should be 130/80 or less Recommendations for salt intake: No more than 2400 mg salt per day (1 tsp!) No more than 350 mg salt per serving No more than 800 mg salt per meal DM  HTN  CVD all connected! Salt in the diet makes the heart work harder, increase fluid volume, Some people may be salt sensitive…how do you know if you are?? **Ask the audience to give examples*** How much sodium do you think the average American eats per day?? *** 3500mg/ day Do food label examples ---frozen foods, processed foods Take the salt shaker away from the table! After awhile, you forget it was even there and you don’t even need it! Be careful with KCl “no salt salt” ask your doctor bc it can be dangerous if certain medications “low sodium”  140mg or less

8 Weight Loss Why is this so important?
A 10% weight loss can have lots of benefits Lower BG Lower blood pressure Healthier joints Explain apple vs. pear shape…excess fat in mid-section surrounds all the important organs heart must work harder to supply blood Weight loss is not easy…lots of contributing factors but if we make it a priority, we will succeed

9 How else can we help maintain a healthy body weight?
EXERCISE! Find something you enjoy Recommendation: 30-45 mins every day! The more, the better Benefits include: better BG control, good for your heart, muscles, bones and a great stress reliever! It is ok to split up the times if it is difficult for you…15 mins in the am, 15 mins HS.. Walking, walking your dog, stairs, stationary bike, strength exercises, yoga, zumba gold, grandkids! Start slow, work your way up You will feel better! What kinds of exercise do you enjoy??

10 What kinds of goals can you set for the next month?
Add less salt to my food Exercise 3x this week for 20 mins.. Work my way up Read labels of my favorite foods and look for alternatives Remember weight loss is a slow process…recommendation is 1#/wk..sometimes weight may decrease more drastically in the beginning, then tapers off and we get discouraged..DON’T be discouraged! Keep at it and it will work. YOU CAN DO IT!

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