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Fig. 6 Lunar and terrestrial analogs.

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1 Fig. 6 Lunar and terrestrial analogs.
Lunar and terrestrial analogs. (A) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter image of the major dome in the Compton-Belkovich volcanic complex on the Moon (25). (B) Hill-shaded digital terrain model (27), with superimposed contour lines in 25-m increments. Same location as (A). The dome has an aspect ratio of ~0.2 (~0.24 for Ahuna Mons) and slopes of ~23° (30° to 40° for Ahuna Mons). An irregular central depression characterizes the summit. (C) North view of the Chaitén dome (Chile), where a talus collar with steep slopes is well developed. The dome is 1.7 km in diameter and has an aspect ratio of ~0.2. [Image credit: R. Roscoe] O. Ruesch et al. Science 2016;353:aaf4286 Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science

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