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Alvarado High School, Mrs. Shea AVPRIN

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1 Alvarado High School, Mrs. Shea AVPRIN
TV Commercial Project Alvarado High School, Mrs. Shea AVPRIN

2 TV Commercials Audio/Visual presentations that try to convince or entice you to purchase something, believe in something, or do something. Use actors to tell a short story Use pictures with voiceovers Combination of the top two Few are animated Commercial series genre more popular today Some encourage the competitive spirit between opposing companies

3 TV Commercial Examples
Professional Examples E-Trade Commercial Nike Free Credit Report Sonic Commercial Geico – Somebody’s Watching Me Apple Mac Commercial Microsoft – I’m a PC

4 Project - Topics Pick a Topic for Your Commercial
Merchandise: anything you can buy that’s appropriate for school Event: convincing someone to go to something; tickets to a concert, sporting event, museum, etc.

5 Project - Parameters Commercial Planning Commercial Production
Get in group of three Choose a topic Choose a commercial format Fill out a planning layout Write the script Commercial Production Film Pictures Props No longer than two min. and at least one min.

6 Commercials - Content Slogan Logistics Why is it the best?
Nike: Just Do It! Burger King: Have It Your Way Jingle is optional Logistics Cost Distributors Why is it the best? Solid reasons, examples

7 Project – Grading Guidelines
Commercial Script: entertaining, clear, easily understood – 60% of Grade Video Work: Still (not shaky), focuses on key places, things, objects, etc. – 20% of Grade Fluidity: Progression of commercial elements are smooth and always point to the main idea of the commercial – 10% of Grade Commercial Affect: Achieves the goal of convincing people to buy or believe what’s being sold – 10% of Grade

8 Project – Skills Gained
Acquire the skills of persuasion Combine ideas in a neat package Use a video camera to capture essential footage Use music/effects to emphasize and support message

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