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Federal Grants Conference June 6, 2019

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1 Federal Grants Conference June 6, 2019
Title III Grants Fund Code 180 Information Session

2 Purpose of Title III to help ensure that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English; to assist all English learners, including immigrant children and youth, to achieve at high levels in academic subjects so that all English learners can meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet; to assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools in establishing, implementing, and sustaining effective language instruction educational programs designed to assist in teaching English learners, including immigrant children and youth; to assist teachers (including preschool teachers), principals and other school leaders, State educational agencies, and local educational agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instructional programs designed to prepare English learners, including immigrant children and youth, to enter all-English instructional settings; and to promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents, families, and communities of English learners. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 2

3 TIII Allocation Formula grant Fund Code 180
Massachusetts allocation amount: Approximately $14,000,000 to districts (formula grant) 85,000 ELs in public and private schools will be served in SY with Title III About 105 individual districts and consortia will receive a formula grant. To qualify districts must have more than 100 ELs or be a member of a consortia of smaller districts that will total more than 100 ELs. This grant includes counts of ELs from all eligible private schools

4 Immigrant Grant Fund Code 186
About 10 districts will receive an Immigrant grant (FC 186) An immigrant student is defined for purposes of the Title III immigrant children and youth program as a student who is aged 3-21, who was not born in any state, and who is in his/her first three years of schooling in the United States. (For making this determination, Puerto Rico is considered part of the United States. Students born in Puerto Rico are not immigrant students.) A student can be designated as both immigrant and EL for three years. After three years the student can still be designated EL, if they meet EL eligibility criteria, but can no longer be designated as an immigrant student. Private School students meeting this criteria must be included in equitable services for the Immigrant Grant.

5 Required in each grant application
All TIII grants must contain supplemental programs for: Direct Instruction to Els (or immigrant students in a 186 grant) Professional Development for the teachers of Els (or immigrant students 186 grant) Parent engagement All of these programs must be supplemental to the programs/activities being offered by the district. .

6 Suggested limits for Massachusetts:
Budget Page Limits 2% for administration Suggested limits for Massachusetts: 20% supplies and materials including supplemental software 15% total for travel; All costs should be allowable, reasonable and allocable. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 6

7 How to spend the money Fund Code 180
Required activities: high-quality language instruction high-quality professional development Authorized activities: Upgrading program objectives Tutorials and academic/vocational education Intensified instruction Assist parents in helping their children improve academic achievement Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

8 Allowable expenditures-Fund Code 180
Parent involvement (Language and Culture) Supplemental Instructional Resources (related to ELs only) Supplemental Instructional Supports (related to ELs only) Professional Development (related to ELs only, not required) Substitute Teachers for PD (in some cases) For more information go to the TIII QRG: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 8

9 Allowable expenditures-Fund Code 186
Parent involvement (Language/ Cultural ) Supplemental Instructional Resources (must include immigrant students not only EL students) Supplemental Instructional Supports (must include immigrant students not only EL students) Professional Development (should include needs of immigrant students not only EL students) Substitute Teachers for PD (in some cases) For more information go to the TIII QRG: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 9

10 All TIII funded activities - what this may include
TIII can fund extended day or summer programs for EL students TIII can fund para-professionals during the school day, with restrictions: not for class size reduction, they must have a different role than another para in the district, for example, they may have cultural familiarity or be bilingual, they work only with EL students, they can’t deliver ESL instruction, they must be supplemental in class working under an ESL licensed teacher, they cannot have been previously funded by another source; it must be a new position.

11 TIII funded activities continued
Professional Development TIII PD is only for teachers with ELs in their class. This PD is to enhance the experience for the student and increase the skills of the educator. TIII funded PD cannot satisfy the PD requirement for PDP’s for re-licensure, or the SEI endorsement. TIII must fund purposeful PD that is to be sustained over a period of time, with the goal of improving teacher practice and student outcomes. One day or short term workshops are not part of TIII funded professional development.

12 Supplement not Supplant, what does that mean?
TIII is a supplemental grant, which means: If the program or activity would exist in the absence of TIII funds, the district cannot use TIII funds for that program or activity. TIII funds can’t be used for anything that is the district’s responsibility. The translation of documents such as report cards, guidance documents, school manuals are the responsibility of the district. The activities that take place in the district for all students such as parent/teacher nights, science fairs, open houses, supplies for classes, teacher salaries during the school day, ELL director salaries, field trips scheduled as part of the regular activities for all students. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

13 Title III is supplemental to the Core Program
Every district must provide a CORE INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM for all students. This program includes: Content/SEI ESL The same programs and services provided to non-EL students Equal Access – Title VI/Civil Rights, - all students must be able to participate in all classes and extra curricular activities Anything required by state/federal/local law TIII is supplemental to these required components Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

14 Examples of expenditures
Bus transportation for after school/summer field trip for Title III program students YES Charlie cards/ public transit passes NO Family costs for attending field trip, more than one parent or guardian One parent or guardian admission/transportation cost Catered events, sit-down dinners Coffee, cookies, fruit, water may be YES Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 14

15 TIII funds cannot be used for
Providing translations and interpreters are now responsibility of the district. ESL teaching positions during the school day. Materials/textbooks that are provided by the district for other students or classrooms. Additional teachers for core instruction. Writing/purchasing ESL curriculum. Parent Action Committees

16 Pre-School with ESSA Title III funds can be used to assist teachers (including preschool teachers) in developing or implementing Language Instruction Education Programs (LIEPs) in preschools that are coordinated with other relevant programs and services. Title III funds may be used to provide professional development for teachers of ELs in publicly funded preschool programs to help ensure that preschool teachers are well prepared to meet the unique needs of ELs in those preschool programs. However, pre-school funding is now required by the MA LOOK Act, which can present some supplanting issues with TIII and pre-school.

17 TIII and Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment-offering early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment programs or courses designed to help English learners achieve success in postsecondary education. TIII funds can be used only if the district doesn’t already have a program in place. There must be an agreement in place with a higher education institution. This program should be used to provide opportunities to motivated EL students to become successful in their pursuit of higher education.

18 TIII Guidance for Dual Enrollment
Non-Regulatory Guidance: English Learners and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) An LEA may also use Title III funds for a number of permissible activities listed in Section 3115(d) of the ESEA. These activities include, for example, offering early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment programs or courses designed to help ELs achieve success in postsecondary education. glishlearners92016.pdf

19 Admission standards for dual enrollment
EAdmissionsStandardsReferenceGuide_June2016.pdf Massachusetts Dept. of Higher Education, admission standards information and reference guide

20 The district meeting for all EL parents is not funded by TIII
Parent Involvement The district meeting for all EL parents is not funded by TIII Must be an opportunity for parents to become active participants in their EL students education. On your application, explain the benefits of the supplemental programs offered. TIII funded EL parent meetings cannot include immigration information or financial assistance information

21 Parent Involvement continued
Literacy programs can be established for parents to learn to read and speak English by attending a parent/student literacy night with their child. TIII will fund books in both languages. Sometimes districts offer EL parents financial literacy classes. This can be initiated by attending TIII funded math nights with their student. Example: One district funded a literacy program and went directly to the housing development where most of the children lived. They distributed TIII funded books and teachers taught reading lessons. Their stipends for this activity were paid by TIII. Additionally, the district used National Honor Society students to babysit the younger siblings.

22 Private Schools Private school students are counted in the TIII allocation amounts of public school districts Equitable services must be offered for eligible private school students, teachers, and other educational personnel for both 180 and186 grants. Every TIII district must consult with every private school that is geographically located in the district to inform them of the services for which TIII can offer support. Services include: PD, supplemental programs before or after school, initial assessment of ELs for proficiency. TIII can pay for initial assessment materials for private schools, not public schools. All TIII purchased materials for the private school, are property of the district. They must be marked as such and stored where they can be inventoried by the district. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 22

23 Contacts and Resources from DESE
Website: Hotline: The TIII QRG, or Quick Reference Guide, with information regarding the TIII regulations and a line by line budget information guide.

24 Questions? TIII bimonthly discussion calls, set up by conference call to discuss current programs in districts, and offer a chance to ask questions that affect your district in particular. If you have a program you’d like to highlight, let me know and I’ll schedule you to co-host a call. Contact your federal grants liaison directly: Federal Grant Programs Office: or

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