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Writing, Editing & Publishing

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1 Writing, Editing & Publishing
Semester /2018 SUBJECT: Writing, Editing & Publishing CODE: KOM5517 CREDIT: (3+0) BY: Dr. Akmar Hayati Ahmad Ghazali

2 Objectives By the end of this course, students are able to:-
Apply journalistic writing styles effectively for print media. Develop effective journalistic messages suited to different audiences. Plan journalistic writing relevant to current issues and developments.

3 Synopsis This course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of journalistic writing, editing and publishing; writing for print media; readability index measurement; news, feature and review writing; picture selection; caption writing; editing styles; legal and ethical issues in editing; publishing technology’ copyright and electronic publishing.

4 Content (Lectures) First Meeting : Introduction to the course
Unit 1: Writing for print media Unit 2: News & feature writing Unit 3: Caption writing Second Meeting: Unit 4: News sources Unit 5: Editing styles Unit 6: Copyright Third Meeting: Unit 7: Readability index measurement Unit 8: Publishing technology Unit 9: Legal and ethical issues in Publishing

5 Course Evaluation Assignment 1 10% Assignment 2 30% Take home test 30%
Final exam % Total %

6 Assignment 1: 10% The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade your readers. Write a good proposal about any issues that you want to focus on. Every great proposal must have: - Introduction The issue/problem Your plan to find the information (: an interview, survey)

7 Format: One page ONLY Font Arial (12 size ) and 1.5 spacing

8 Dateline for Assignment 1:
on or before 2 October 2017 (Monday). Please me before you sent it to UPMET.

9 Assignment 2: 30% Based on the information in your proposal, write an interesting, concise, current and complete news. The news must contain the following format: Title Byline Placeline Lead Body Conclusion Photo & caption

10 Format: 10 PARAGRAPH Font Arial (12 size) and 1.5 spacing.

11 Dateline for Assignment 2: on or before 6 November 2017 (Monday).

12 Take Home test (30%) The best way to develop an understanding of the way news articles are written is to read the news. The articles in the newspaper will expose you to the language and format, or structure, of a well-written news article. Published news articles are not perfect, however, and sometimes contain mistakes, misquotes, or opinions. Using three news articles from the three newspapers (The Star, Utusan Malaysia and New Straits Time), complete the following chart. (Some articles may not contain all the elements.)

13 Headline: By line: Subject Matter: example: business/politic/crime/economic/humanity Target Audience: example: adult/kids/politician/ Types of Lead: Give your comments and opinion, it is a good lead, if yes/no, why Eyewitness Quotes: Other Supporting Evidence: Embedded Biases/Opinions: Misprints/Errors: Types of conclusion/ending: Give your comments and opinion, it is a good ending, if yes/no, why

14 Dateline for Take Home test: on or before 20 October 2017 (Friday).

15 Final exam 1. Questions are based on Unit 4 until Unit 9 2. Format :
2.2 In essay form 2.3 Evaluation (30%)

16 Room: Blok B (B119) Tel: /

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