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I thought that it would be nice to have the Crash Report System as a site on the internet. Maybe a protected site accessible only to police personnel.

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Presentation on theme: "I thought that it would be nice to have the Crash Report System as a site on the internet. Maybe a protected site accessible only to police personnel."— Presentation transcript:

1 I thought that it would be nice to have the Crash Report System as a site on the internet. Maybe a protected site accessible only to police personnel. This way, it would be easily accessible. If the police wanted to enter the information in at home or at the office, he or she would be able to at his or her convenience.This site could be used at all of the police stations in Alabama.

2 I made the site very much like the real form
I made the site very much like the real form. If the police is copying the information from his or her form, he or she would not want to have to search for the information. With the two forms being similar, it is easy to transfer data. I kept the design layout the same as the paper form because that is what the police is used to seeing.

3 The car actually moves


5 If the police does not have a second driver or pedestrian, he or she can just choose the next button to skip to the next screen.

6 If the police does not have a second vehicle to enter then he or she can just select the submit button to submit the form into the database

7 To exit, choose the Exit button to end your session
To exit, choose the Exit button to end your session. If you wish to fill out a new crash report form then choose the new button.

8 Please see the comments in the note section

9 Scenario On Monday July 31, 2003 at precisely 2:33pm, John Murray Doe crashed into a power line pole. John is from Boaz, AL. The accident took place at the intersection of Highland Street and Newt Parker Avenue.








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