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When will Jesus return? Matthew 24:1-14.

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Presentation on theme: "When will Jesus return? Matthew 24:1-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 When will Jesus return? Matthew 24:1-14

2 When will this happen? Matthew 24:3

3 What will be the sign of your coming?

4 What will be the sign of the end of the age?
Matthew 24:1-14 Deception (24:4-5) Wars and rumors of war (24:6) Famines (24:7) Earthquakes (24:7) Persecution (24:9-13) Love of most will grow cold (24:13)

5 What will be the Sign of your coming?
The abomination that causes desolation (Matt. 24:15-25) Revelation 13:14-15 Image of the Beast (antichrist) Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:15-18) 42 months to go (Rev. 13:5)


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