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From Theory to Practice: Creating a limb Preservation Center

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1 From Theory to Practice: Creating a limb Preservation Center
Krishna Jain MD, John Munn MD, Mark rummel MD, Dan Johnston MD, Syed Alam MD, Chris Longton RN OEIS 2015

2 Mission Prevent amputation of a limb and maximize independence and mobility

3 Causes of limb loss Diabetes (ulcers and infection) Arterial ischemia
Atherosclerosis Diabetes Dialysis Venous Trauma Congenital Other

4 Conditions needing Treatment
Arterial Claudication Rest pain Ulcer Gangrene Venous Ulcers Insufficiency and obstruction Diabetic ulcer Trauma Others

5 Planning Essential services Multidisciplinary team
Office based endovascular suite Wound clinic Vascular lab Easy access to hospital Rehabilitation Vascular screening Registry

6 Planning Desirable services Diabetic clinic Vascular medicine clinic
Cardiology Rheumatology services Access to gym Dietitian Neurology services Nephrology services

7 Essential Services Multidisciplinary team
Vascular surgeon (endovascular and open ) Interventional radiologist or cardiologist ( if Vascular surgeon does not do endovascular procedures) Podiatrist Infectious disease specialist Plastic Surgeon Orthopedic surgeon (desirable)

8 Office based endovascular lab
Only way to achieve rapid and timely endovascular intervention is in an office based endovascular lab Hospital systems are too cumbersome and expensive

9 Wound Clinic The center should be affiliated with a wound center that provides all modalities of wound treatment for dedicated management of all types of limb wounds.

10 Vascular Lab IAC certified Vascular lab Easy access to lab
Vascular lab registry

11 Access to hospital Admissions for intravenous antibiotics
Open procedures Major debridement Reconstruction

12 Rehabilitation After discharge patients need proper rehabilitation services In case of an amputation appropriate prosthesis

13 Desirable services Diabetic clinic Diabetes expert Nurses
Early referral

14 Vascular Medicine Clinic
For comprehensive management of risk factors Diabetes Hypertension Hypercholesterolemia Nicotine addiction Obesity Exercise Others

15 Rheumatologist In cases of unusual ulcers and limb threatening conditions the consult and work up is helpful

16 Patient Management Quick referral system
Procedures to be performed in expedient manner Patient education Prevention

17 Evaluation Clinical exam Podiatry consultation
Noninvasive Vascular Lab CT, MRI, Radio nucleotide scan Angiogram Cultures Neurological exam

18 Management Medical management of risk factors Podiatry management
Debridement Treatment of infection Physical therapy and rehabilitation

19 Advanced Therapy Endo Vascular procedures Open procedures
Angioplasty, Stent, atherectomy Open procedures Bypass vein and prosthetic Endarterctomy Hybrid procedures Bypass and endovascular Foot sparing amputations Reconstruction of deformed foot Grafting Thrombolysis Venous procedures Ablation Microphlebectomy Dilatation and stenting

20 Research The center should participate in national protocols of limb preservation

21 Business model Start free standing units
For existing facilities bring essential services together Create a registry of all patients Maintenance of essential services by constant monitoring and periodic review Marketing

22 Conclusions Calling an office based lab a limb salvage center is not desirable Most medical communities have most of the services required to be a limb preservation center Goal is to bring everyone together

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