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Meghan Roddy & Juanita Pardo

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1 Meghan Roddy & Juanita Pardo
Taiwan Meghan Roddy & Juanita Pardo

2 “One China” Policy Taiwan included
1979 Jimmy Carter acknowledged a joint communique Accepted China’s position that there is “but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” US does not support Taiwan Independence but intends to maintain good relations with Taiwan selling weapons


4 History Kuomintang (KMT) fled to Taiwan after losing to the communists in 1949. KMT does not support independence movement and sees Taiwan as a part of the mainland. Democratic Progressive Party opposes them, but KMT still won the elections in 2008

5 Trade Relations China and Taiwan’s
trade in 2007 reached 102 billion $ (increasing) China is Taiwan’s largest trading partner. Taiwan is in China’s top ten trading partners. Increasing support for mainland.

6 Independence Movement
Younger Taiwanese/new generations have an increased sense of nationality. Lots of pro-independence protests.

7 Current Policies Early 2000’s: threat of war, military build up, mistrust Past 5 years: improving relationship, more cooperation, less fear of war China still intends to unify with Taiwan on China’s terms.

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