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Theories of Life Where and how did life begin?.

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Presentation on theme: "Theories of Life Where and how did life begin?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theories of Life Where and how did life begin?

2 Some Theories of Life on Earth
Alien ( micro or macro views) Creation Evolution / “Darwinism” Spontaneous Generation Some “Combination”

3 Every theory requires faith
How are each ideas factual and how are each idea flawed?

4 Biogenesis vs Spontaneous Generation
Origin of life Biogenesis vs Spontaneous Generation Redi Spallanzani Pasteur

5 Universe About 14b years old Earth is about 4.5 billion years old
Life on Earth Universe About 14b years old Earth is about 4.5 billion years old How do we know? Dating materials found on Earth Models

6 Rock Out crop

7 Rocks age both the earth and those things living on it.



10 Stromatolites 3b y/o

11 Radioactive Dating Radioactive isotopes Ex carbon 14
Calculating Half life's The time it takes half of the material to decay into another substance.

12 Carbon 14 Nitrogen----- Carbon 14 Carbon 14_  Nitrogen

13 The Early Atmosphere Contained: Ammonia Hydrogen gas Water Vapors Methane

14 The origin of the basic biomolecules, while not settled, is less controversial than the significance and order of steps 2 and 3. The basic chemicals from which life was thought to have formed are: Methane (CH4), Ammonia (NH3), Water (H2O), Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), Carbon dioxide (CO2) or carbon monoxide (CO), Phosphate (PO43-).

15 Where did life on Earth come from?
Operands hypothesis (1923) Miller and Urey's Tests Organic compounds “Primordial soup”


17 The First Cells????? Microspheres: contain proteins Coacervates: lipid droplets

18 Todays Views Early atmosphere: More CO, N and water
Life may have occurred in deep ocean vents

19 -Prokaryotes (Archaebacteria)
Fossils found in Australia 3.5 b Warawoona Aust and Fig Tree Africa (chemosynthesis) Believed to have changed the atmosphere -Cyanobacteria (blue green) -Methanogens

20 Earliest life forms


22 Stromatolites

23 First Eukaryotic organisms
1.3 billion years ago First Fauna (Animals) Worms 600 million years ago

24 Role of early RNA Ribozyme (RNA) that acts like an enzyme. Plasmids

25 Endosymbiotic relationships
Eukaryotes Endosymbiotic relationships Mitochondria

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