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CP English II Mrs. Treadway By: Alex B.

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1 CP English II Mrs. Treadway By: Alex B.
VICTOR HUGO CP English II Mrs. Treadway By: Alex B.

2 Background Born February 26, 1802 Grew up in Besancon, France
Interest in literature developed at a young age in his boyhood

3 Importance Poet, novelist, dramatist, and French romantic writer of the 19th century Created work involved with political and philosophical questions with stories he could relate to

4 Famous Works The all famous novel “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”
“Les Miserables” “Hernani” “Ruy Blas”

5 Family Son to an old war soldier who was a general
His mother was a devout royalist

6 Declining Years Major part of his family died from accidents
Died in 1885 Over 2,000,000 people attended his funeral

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