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Medal Races Modules Redress.

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Presentation on theme: "Medal Races Modules Redress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medal Races Modules Redress

2 Redress RRS 62.1 Addendum Q1.2(e)
Score made significantly worse through no fault of her own by improper action or omission by RC, PC, TC, OA injury or physical damage by a boat breaking a rule of part 2 or a vessel not racing that needed to keep clear giving help under rule 1.1 an action of a boat or her crew that resulted in a penalty under rule 2 or a penalty or warning under rule 69. Rules 62.1 a), b) and d) are deleted. No score changes from redress for previous races.

3 Request for redress need not be in writing
before or during flag B is displayed on the RC vessel can be heard directly on the water: no formal requirements decision can be given orally in the room: normal hearing procedure decision taken by PC course chairman or chief umpire

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