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Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School

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1 Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School 2016-2020
District Mission & Vision Cluster Mission & Vision School Mission & Vision With a caring culture of trust and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college and career. A high-performing school district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage and the community trusts the system To inspire and challenge students to learn, grow, and accomplish academic, social, and post-secondary goals. To provide students with a circle of support that leads to the development of resilient and empowered students. Key Performance Measures School Priorities School Strategies Improve student mastery of core content knowledge Prepare all students to have the essential life skills to be self-aware, collaborative, and accepting of diversity 1A. Intentional developed Master Schedule that expands EOC course 9 weeks 1B. Literacy Plan (D.E.A.R.) 1C. Tutorials 1D. Numeracy Plan (Math about Me) 1E. Flexible schedule 2A. Activities 2B. Community Service opportunities 2C. Job Training/WBL Increase student attendance as measured by student attendance in Infinite Campus from 71% to 76% Increase EOC performance in the proficiency levels by 5%. Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus will maintain its three star Climate Rating or increase to a four star Climate Rating as measured by the criteria set forth by the Georgia Department of Education CCRPI calculation. Academic Program 3. Build teacher capacity in core content areas, particularly math and science 4. Increasing Parent Involvement 5. Build systems identifying and addressing root causes to promote social and academic growth 3A. Implement intentional vertical and horizontal alignment collaboration throughout school content 3B. Provide targeted professional learning opportunities focused on academic student needs 3C. Adult SEL Trainings/BFF 4A . Maintain a Parent Liaison 4B. Parent Café (Title I) 4C. Parent Weekend Activities. Talent Management 5A. Restorative Practices/SEL 5B. Odyssey 5C. PLC/ILT 5D. Communities In School/Achieve Atlanta 5F. Develop business and education partnerships/Breaking The Barriers 5G. Ensure the necessary technology infrastructure and equipment are available 5H. School Food Pantry and Clothes Closet. Systems & Resources 6A. Run a Campaign on the Reality of Crim 6B. Build community awareness, knowledge and support for Crim/Breaking The Barriers 6C. Build parent capacity to understand student needs/Breaking The Barriers 6D. Implement student attendance initiative 7A. Implement Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for school staff 7B. Increase effective internal communication 7C. Breaking Barriers Summit and Implementation 6. Inform and engage the school community 7. Develop a positive, informed and engaged school culture Culture

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