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5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports

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1 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
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2 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
Unit 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Main Page Previous Next

3 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
Ramadan Blog 5a Restaurants Reviews 5b From Saudi Arabia 5c Saudi Review 5d Main Page Previous Next

4 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
رقم الصفحة 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Ramadan Blogs 5a Reading – Write the letter for each blog entry in the box Next to the correct heading. 1 Making new friends 2 Ramadan is over 3 Starting and ending the fast 4 Trying to improve oneself 5 Telling others about the faith 6 The start of Ramadan 7 Strength from other Muslims 8 First time away E H F C G B D A Ramadan is here It’s the day before Ramadan. I have been feeling a little nervous because I have never been away from home for Ramadan. I pray to Allah I will be strong and faithful. It’s the 1st day of the holy month. I haven’t been eating or drinking all day. Thanks to Allah I can improve my self-control and my patience during this fast. I have been trying to stop my bad habits like watching too much TV and getting angry easily. I have also been praying and reading the Holy Quran as I usually do. Main Page Previous Next

5 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
رقم الصفحة 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Ramadan Blogs 5a B) Speaking – Work in pairs. Talk about what Hussien has and hasn’t been doing during the holy month of Ramdan. Say ten sentences. Hussein has been feeling a little nervous. He hasn’t been eating or drinking all day. He has been trying to stop bad habits. He has been praying and reading the Holy Qur'an. He has been thinking about Muslims in Islamic countries and all over the world. He has been talking and praying with two new friends. He has been eating with Yousef and Jamal before dawn and after sunset. He has been telling English friends about Islam. He has been celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr with his family. C) Vocabulary – Find the words in the Ramadan blog with these meanings And write them. over dawn patience sunset fast Self-control Main Page Previous Next

6 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
رقم الصفحة 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Ramadan Blogs 5a D) Language help – Read, complete and remember. watching reading haven’t been has have they Main Page Previous Next

7 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
رقم الصفحة 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Ramadan Blogs 5a E) Speaking – Work in pairs. Make sentences about Hussien and his family during Eid-ul-fitr 2 Hussein and his family/They have been eating special food. 3 Hussein and his family/They have been wearing smart clothes. 4 Hussein and his family/They have been helping poor people with money. 5 Hussein and his family/They have been have been spending time with family and friends. 6 Hussein and his family/They have been giving small presents to young children. Main Page Previous Next

8 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
رقم الصفحة 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports Ramadan Blogs 5a F) Writing – Write a blog about school and home. Write four sentences about each place. What have you been doing at home this week? What have you been doing at school this week? Main Page Previous Next

9 5 Blogs, Reviews and Reports
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