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An Alternate Virtual Review Model The Edinburgh Experience

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1 An Alternate Virtual Review Model The Edinburgh Experience
AP for 15 years AP service provide long term follow up of Primary and Revision hip and knee arthroplasty from 6 weeks post op. We have 15 clinic sessions per week across NHS Lothian over 3 hospital sites within a 50 mile radius. Morag E Trayner Arthroplasty Practitioner ACPA Norwich 2014

2 Traditional Virtual Review
PROMS posted Local X-ray PROMS and X-ray reviewed by Arthroplasty Specialist Hugill et al 2012 reported the lengthy process to introduce this method, which requires co-ordination and collaboration across hospital and PCT. This includes hospital and PCT finance along with management, surgeons, AHP, nurses, IT services and patients. Our arthroplasty service has been established for 17 years. High volume of arthroplasty patients and out patient attendances. NO capital or new repeat funding was available. Therefore 2 years ago we took a different approach. Hugill,L et al JBJS B 2012 vol 94B No. Ix72

3 The Edinburgh Model Drivers for Virtual Review
Criteria for Virtual Review Process Audit Results Reason for Clinical Review Contact after virtual review Proportion of caseload Pros & cons The Future

4 Drivers for Virtual Review
Increasing demographics 880K – 1.1M (1) Reduced Resources 3.3 to 2.5 WTE Pressure to increase clinic capacity Patient Centred Quality Care NHS Lothian current population projected to increase from 880K 2012 to 1.1 M 2035 60-74 yr olds increase by 27% 75+ yr olds increase by 82% 25% reduction in AP establishment Increasing Arthroplasty Population and thus demand on capacity Management were pushing to increase clinic capacity by 50% As the patients advocate and as part of NMC code of conduct we are responsible and accountable to provide highest quality Maintain patient centred quality care where needed investing time for quality where needed. (1) NHS Lothian Workforce Planning 2012/13

5 NHS Lothian Arthroplasty Review Service
This graph shows the year on year increase of arhtroplasty out patient attendances compared to the increasing number of arthroplasties per annum. 50% increase in arthroplastys since 1999 in house. Between Apr 2010 and Jan 2014 a further 403 joint replacements were sourced form the private sector. These patients return to NHS follow up service from 1 year post-op. Despite the 25% decrease in AP, throughput has continued to increase. This is not sustainable in the long term.

6 Criteria for Virtual Review
2+ years since last review and/or joint Replacement 5yr+ Asymptomatic No previous x-ray or clinical concerns

7 The Process All case notes screened by Arthroplasty Practitioner prior to clinic OPA reminder letter Attend for OPA Virtual review letter on arrival Short questionnaire to complete X-ray Return questionnaire to out patient staff Go home/clinical review Questionnaire and X-rays reviewed by AP Patient and GP sent letter Next OPA/discharge Screening time mins per week for 15 sessions. OP nurses cannot make clinical decision to designate patients for virtual review OPA reminder phrase. OPA may take a different format. Complete questionnaire, have x-ray and go home. Setting expectations traditional face to face review Questionnaire problems with joint yes/no? If yes give details how long? Getting worse? Home/clinical Letter x-rays satisfactory/some changes/ next review.

8 Audit Results 113 72 63.7% 296 197 66.6% Total 409 269 65.8%
Virtual Review Audit Number of Patients designated as Virtual Number of Patients had Virtual Review Percentage that had Virtual Review Pilot: 01/05/ /8/12 113 72 63.7% Audit: 1/9/ /3/13 296 197 66.6% Total 409 269 65.8% Pilot included 3 outreach sessions and 4 main base sessions per week. For a 4/12 period. After fine tuning the process, which included any Yes answer patient offered clinical review at that clinic. Rolled out to all 15 AP sessions across Lothian. Further Audit Discuss figures. Consistent 2/3rds designated virtual have this format With 2-5 yr timescale since last appt it is impossible to predict if patients are symptomatic.

9 Reasons for Clinical Review
During both audits information was collected about the reasons patients had clinical rather than Virtual review. The two graphs demonstrate which reasons were deemed to be clinically relevant and which were for other reasons. Clinical: Majority related to painful Arthroplasty or OA joint mobility problems Questions M.o.M. Non Clinical: 12 administrative error forms not given to patient 4 patients could not grasp the concept easier just to see 2 objected to the format 2/409 = 0.5% of those designated virtual 1no glasses – no resolved with easy readers 1 rotational staff unfamiliar with virtual review

10 Patients contacted after virtual review
Action PILOT N=8 6 pain, 1 X-ray chg, 1 Error AUDIT N=12 4 pain, 7 x-ray chg, 1 extra TJA Clinical review AP 3 1 Clinical review Cons 2 Early virtual Review 5 Routine virtual review Phone only Virtual in error Over the 11 months of the two audits 20 patients were contacted after having virtual review Some patients state they have problems, but opt out of clinical review on the day. 20/269 = 7.4%. 10 of which were symptomatic 8/269 who had virtual review were asymptomatic, but had x-ray changes This represents a 3% silent failure rate After clarification pateitns were happy with joint replacemetn and there were no concerns about the x-rays therefore next virtual review routine timescale

11 Caseload Distribution
Audit Dates Total OPA Suitable for virtual review % of caseload 1/9/12 – 31/3/13 2685 712 26.5% 1/4/13 – 31/3/14 4905 1155 23.6% Virtual Review Audit Designated Virtual Reviewed as virtual Percentage had virtual review 1/5/12 – 31/313 409 269 65.8% 1/4/13 – 31/3/14 605 418 69% Whilst conducting both audits, AP recorded data about all patients seen clinically who would be suitable for virtual reviews at next OPA. Full Clinical picture rather than from OP notes likely to be more accurate allocation at that point in time. We have continued to record this data full year. Approx 24% of workload suitable for virtual review. Consistent 2/3rds of patietns designated as virtual have a virtual review within the Edinburgh model.

12 PROS CONS Equity of access Expedites clinical actions Maintain quality
Increase capacity +5%, But a 25% decrease in AP Avoids additional OPA Efficiency within clinics AP prep time Travelling distance Vague answers Electronic notes Equity – access to immediate clinical review, avoids delays for patients and 2nd travel time, which cold lead to complaints Appropriate clinical decisions made on the day Maintains quality Management have gained capacity Avoids additional OPA and impact on capacity True virtuals can be processed at any stage within the clinic session, minimising dealys for clinical reviews AP prep time persevere for 3 yrs then regain the time Extra time to screen patient address Phone/letter to clarify some answers is counter-productive as it takes longer rthan a clinical review, but necessary for patient safety Quicker to process case notes than access electronically , but it is the way of the future and will be offset by including Virtual/ clinical review in plan

13 The Future Planned repeat database Streamline clinic templates
Increase capacity within clinics Proactive management Explore local x-ray TRAK patietn admin system – planed repeats on the agenda This would allow review timescales to be set, but OA only sent 6 weeks in advance. Impacts on AP workload as all booked pts up to 5 yrs would need to be screened for database entry – clinical decision. Current scoping exercise re manpower AT preseent unable to predict number of virtuals per clinic, so could adjust templates By using virtual OPA increase capacity, but still be mindful that 1/3 need clinical review Currently require advance clinic closures for annual leave, but re-opened clinics not fully utilised. ^ weeks notice for A/L, no re-opening, Gain for clerical staff, but need to send out letters instead of reminders. Explore feasibility of more local x-rays

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