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Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents as well as Allies

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Presentation on theme: "Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents as well as Allies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents as well as Allies

2 Why involve potential opponents?
To neutralize a critic To gain insight To gain access to a group To acquire new resources To find common values and beliefs To get to know your opponents as people To build a base of trust To help you make progress

3 When should you involve potential opponents?
When the lines of communication are relatively open When you see common values and opportunities When the cost is not too great 3

4 When shouldn't you involve potential opponents?
When there is a history of distrust or deception When positions are strongly held and completely opposed When your opponents are unwilling to talk When costs would be too great 4

5 How do you involve potential opponents?
Decide that you want to involve them Narrow your targets Clarify your goals Make the commitment Identify the stakeholders Make contact with your opponent Establish ground rules 5

6 How do you involve potential opponents? (cont.)
Set an agenda Organize subgroups Search for information Find a mediator Involve other stakeholders Hold a meeting Meet again 6

7 How do you involve potential opponents? (cont.)
Understand the twelve "talking points" Close the deal Sell the deal Structure the agreement Monitor the agreement 7

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