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Sustainable Food IPP/SCP Meeting Brussels, 21 October 2013 Pavel Misiga Eco-Innovation & Circular Economy.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Food IPP/SCP Meeting Brussels, 21 October 2013 Pavel Misiga Eco-Innovation & Circular Economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Food IPP/SCP Meeting Brussels, 21 October Pavel Misiga Eco-Innovation & Circular Economy

2 Over 600 responses where received
..including more than 80 government and international organisations, more than 60 NGOs, 80 key associations and more than 350 citizens. The Commission will publish the results of this consultation and the Communication on Sustainability of the Food System in early 2014.

3 Early result from the public consultation
-> Strongly supports need for holistic / strategic approach to food system sustainability. There is also very strong support for a European coordination and leadership role in this area from all sides: NGOs, producers, farming associations and Member States.

4 The Communication will therefore:
Set the scene on the issue of 'sustainable food' and offer a strategic framework for both the Commission and other stakeholders, including a vision of a sustainable food system in the future.

5 The Communication will therefore:
Set out clearly the priority actions for the coming years for the Commission to take forward. There will be a strong focus on tackling food waste. Options under consideration relate to: definitions of food waste setting out the food waste hierarchy Agreeing common methodologies for measuring food waste; Better collection of food waste data Setting targets for separate collection of food waste and/or food waste prevention

6 Other actions needed include, for example:
With retailers we need to help consumers to avoiding over-purchasing, understand food date labels, and to store and prepare food better. There is a need to clarify EU rules on VAT for retailers who give food to charities or food banks. New guidance for Public and Private Purchasing on food waste reduction / delivering sustainable food services for late 2014.

7 Thank you!

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