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Prayer Focus 4: Princes Risborough Baptist Church

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1 Prayer Focus 4: Princes Risborough Baptist Church
Princes Risborough Baptist Church was established in 1707, since then it has known times of growth and times of struggle. Currently our average Sunday morning attendance is 35 to 40 people. We are optimistically looking to God for growth. In addition to Sunday worship we hold a Toddler Group which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and we aim to build relationships with the families that attend. Recently we ran a Family Craft event that was well attended, and we hope to use such events to build bridges into our local community. A group which reaches out to older people ‘Well Come’ offers tea and cake, speakers and conversation. To coincide with the Market Day in town there is a ‘café’ offering another opportunity to make contacts with the community, through coffee, cakes and conversation.

2 Prayer Focus 4: Princes Risborough
Please pray: That we would be able to build relationships with young families and see them join us for worship That we would be able to build on small beginnings That Well Come and Market Day Café would provide opportunities to meet local people and offer them friendship, connection and encounter with God’s people That there would be more opportunities for connections with local schools That we would be known in the community as a welcoming, loving, authentic Christian fellowship that cares for people.

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