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Insulin levels are increased in the MBH of Ugcgf/f//CamKCreERT2 mice.

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1 Insulin levels are increased in the MBH of Ugcgf/f//CamKCreERT2 mice.
Insulin levels are increased in the MBH of Ugcgf/f//CamKCreERT2 mice. A: PLA detection of IR. In the negative control, all PLA components except one primary antibody have been added. B and C: PLA analysis shows that IR levels are increased in Arc neurons of Ugcgf/f//CamKCreERT2 mice upon both saline and insulin injection (n = 42–136 cells). D and E: Immune fluorescence shows that IR levels are increased in Arc neurons of Ugcgf/f//CamKCreERT2 mice. IR levels have been estimated by semiquantitative analysis of IR staining intensity in Arc neurons relative to the respective high-power field background staining (n = 61–162 cells). p-Tyr, tyrosine phosphorylation. Mice were analyzed 6 weeks pi. Data are reported as the mean ± SEM. **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ Silke Herzer et al. Diabetes 2015;64: ©2015 by American Diabetes Association

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