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Biting Anorexia.

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1 Biting Anorexia

2 Studying the Cover Why do you think the word “biting” in yellow?
Why would they use a white background? What does the positioning of the arms show?

3 Background: The book is written by Lucy Howard- Taylor, she is from Sydney Australia. She is a talented photographer and also a published poet. Originally this book was only published in Australia and New Zeland in Then became published also in The United States in 2009.

4 Background cont. Sharon Hodgson who wrote the forward is also the founder of The book is the story of Lucys life, and he challenging and near death eating disorder. There is 3 main sections, The Dark, The Grey, and The Light?.

5 Audience The author is reaching out to anybody who is struggling themselves with an eating disorder or somebody trying to help out a friend/family member with an eating disorder.

6 Audience cont. “I am appealing to those of you who will feel this book, not just read it. I am appealing to your parents, to your family, your peers and colleagues, your judges. I am appealing to a social mockery and a stereotype that laughs of psychological torment as “selfish” and “vain.””

7 Juxtaposition The word placement in the title of the words is juxtaposed. Considering that you don’t often associate biting into anything with anorexia. Its made out as a pun or play on words. Why do you think this is the title?

8 Symbolism The picture symbolizes the uncomforted feeling that Anorexic Teens/Adults/Childr en feel.

9 Appeal The appeal would be a pathos, or an emotional appeal.
The photo portrays the girl to be uncomfortable in her own skin, causing you to just almost know something is wrong with her. Making you feel for her and its trying to get you to grasp her pain. Why do you think it doesn’t show her full face?

10 Bibliography Biting Anorexia Lucy Howard- Taylor

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