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ctcLink: The Clark Experience

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1 ctcLink: The Clark Experience
BAC Meeting▪ June 3, 2019 Sabra Sand, Director of Business Services, Clark College

2 What I am going to talk about:
BPFG: Business Process Fit Gap Configuration Validating Configuration Conversion Cycles Data Validation UAT: User Acceptance Testing Upcoming Working Go Live Plan Recommendations Questions

3 BPFG: Business Process Fit Gap
For Clark, about 8 weeks straight Summer 2018 Homework and decisions as part of BPFG Run through each business process Basic system functionality Does not address how accounting changes First step in training – initial introduction Not end to end training Purpose: to identify gaps in processes Difficult to identify without configuration Difficult to identify because it is all new No hands on

4 Configuration So many pieces of configuration…here are the big ones
Finance Department chart field – replaces Organization numbers (working document) Department chart field crosswalk – crosswalks legacy ‘Org’ to Peoplesoft ‘Dept’ (working document) Asset Locations – maintain consistency across pillars for location IDs Purchasing workflow and buyers Commitment Control (budget) definitions Small and attractive definitions

5 Configuration Student Finance
Item Types – Charges reflect: receivable/revenue upon posting Tuition Mandatory Fees Course and class fees Optional fees Term Fees Dictates the amount charged per credit for tuition Dictates the amount charged per credit or class for other mandatory fees

6 Configuration Student Finance Item Types – Payments
Student Payments (credit card, cash, check) Payments typically reflect: cash/receivable when paid Third Party Payments Step 1: the student account is relieved: cash/receivable Step 2: the third party account is charged: receivable/cash Make sure cash zeroes out Payments made by the third party then reflect: cash/receivable

7 Configuration Student Finance Item Types – Payments Financial Aid
Need two journal sets to complete the transaction Step 1: the student account is relieved: cash/liability (utilizing a control dept) Step 2: happens in finance, reflects the expense to the aid account: expense/cash Make sure cash zeroes out Waivers – flow through a control account: contra-revenue/receivable (clears charge GL’s)

8 Configuration Each configuration assignment builds on past ones:
Some examples… Department chart fields needs to be designed before item types can be completed Asset homework needs department chart field to be defined Asset homework needs asset location chart field to be defined Recommend having one person oversee all of the finance related items including SF, Finance and Payroll to ensure configuration is aligned

9 Validate Configuration
This is your data…own it! After your homework has been submitted and entered into Peoplesoft, create a feedback loop to ensure data quality (because we are all human): Finance Department query Student Finance Item Type query for 1st journal set Student Finance Item Type query for 2nd journal set Student Finance Waiver queries What waiver’s are setup to pay How waiver is setup to work Student Group Equation variable Manual post Student Finance Term fee query: to ensure correct amounts per credit

10 Conversion Cycles 5 Conversion Cycles before the final go live
SBCTC runs conversions Occasionally ‘B’ cycles Update the crosswalks for fallout/new values Item Types Financial Aid Charge Item Types Sponsored Programs Departments New orgs New grants Timing of the conversion

11 Conversion Cycles For Clark - on the finance, student finance and payroll side: Cycle 1: Bio-Demo data only Cycle 2: Finance data, payroll data and a sample of assets Cycle 3: Finance data, payroll data and a larger sample of assets Cycle 3b: Student finance data Cycle 4: Finance data, Student finance data, payroll data, all assets Cycle 4b: Student finance data, finance accounts receivable data Cycle 5: Everything Cycle 6: Go live conversion

12 Data Validation Super Important! This is your opportunity to make sure your data is getting converted the way you expect it. Cycle 2/3/4 Finance: validated all GL data for all accounts using queries and v-lookup to convert data Compared against GA1331, GA1332, GA1335 Identified errors in the conversion process Cycle 4 was clean for GL Goal is to have no errors in Cycle 5 Keeps copies/proof of each validation effort for auditors

13 UAT: User Acceptance Testing
6 “Sprints” of 2-3 weeks each Training in the morning Expectation for testing in the afternoon End to end testing Each day builds upon prior days Difficult to keep up if something isn’t working correctly Not enough information provided on the front end of what would be needed Not enough lead time as to days/times of UAT Time conflicts between Student Finance, Payroll and Finance Time conflicts between UAT and Common Process Workshops

14 UAT: User Acceptance Testing
Recommendations for UAT Create a college level plan and a structure prior to the start of UAT Document all of the scenarios (including account specific data) you may want to create, ahead of time For Finance – work backwards to develop the plan Need Assets to load from Accounts Payable Accounts Payable needs a PO to be paid for asset type items Purchasing needs to create a requisition for the assets to go to PO A budget needs to be established to create a requisition Identify the entire chart field string that a budget needs to be created in, share the info with Purchasing

15 UAT: User Acceptance Testing
Recommendations for UAT For Student Financials To calculate tuition, students need to be registered in classes Classes need to be setup to register students Student groups need to be defined to attached students to them Clear understanding for how waivers are setup in order to actually test

16 UAT: User Acceptance Testing
Recommendations for UAT Test as much as you can Involve as many staff as you can There is a ton of testing, spread among staff Make sure they understand the expected output Opportunity to test Configuration Identify configuration errors Identify areas where things are not working as expected Request changes to configuration, then retest

17 Upcoming… Cycle 4b Continued UAT Parallel Testing Payroll
Financial Aid Student Financials Cycle 4b Student Finance Finance Accounts Receivable Continued UAT

18 Upcoming… Cycle 5 Training – August through October
Test go live Final chance for review Training – August through October Develop and present college-wide training (Purchasing, Accounting, Payroll) - August Cycle 6 Go Live Late October

19 Working Go Live Plan Go live tentative date: October 28, 2019
Legacy tentative takedown: October 23, 2019, end of day Control as many variables as you can Clark Plan – work in progress October 17, Last day for all enrollment, financial aid and student finance transactions October 18, 2019 Ensure all student refunds are processed Close out all tuition payment plans, post outstanding amount Run invoicing for all third party sponsorships October 21, 2019 – Process all pending payments, changing future payment date to current Take down Web Transaction Server October 18, 12am

20 Working Go Live Plan Clark Plan – work in progress
October 21, 2019 – 10A payroll runs October 22, 2019 – post payroll and force pay vendor payments October 23, 2019 Run tuition distribution Run VPA report Run all reports General Ledger (GA1331) Fund Ledger (GA1332) Program/Organization Trial Balance (GA1335) Accounts Receivable Sub-ledger (BM1781) Balance payroll liability accounts (fund 790) – know who we still owe Run datax or SQL report of all outstanding open tuition items in cashiering Clear all suspense accounts

21 Recommendations Consistency
Certain values really should be global – consistency among colleges Tuition chart fields, for the most part Waivers Entire GL chart string How they are applied Financial Aid Why? Simplify configuration Ongoing training College’s ask for help FAM Manual

22 Recommendations Strong collaboration between Finance, Financial Aid and Enrollment Own your data Validate as much as you can Understand item type setup Confirm all values are setup correctly Understand your processes Keep a log of areas of concern Follow up on all concerns Advocate for your college – don’t be afraid to push back/ask more questions if something doesn’t seem correct Be involved in every step of the process If you don’t understand something, ask, and keep asking until it is clear

23 Recommendations Need training on how the accounting is different, both during configuration and after Transaction codes will be a thing of the past Understanding the required debits and credits for each transaction Sometimes debits/credits will need to be split so they can be loaded into AFRS successfully Understanding the changes in pooled cash Understanding the changes in VPA Item types Financial Aid Waivers Payments Charges

24 Final Thoughts Your staff will be overwhelmed
They likely will feel the weight of your institution on their shoulders to ensure the data is correct and the system is working the way they expect The work they are doing may be invisible to you Be mindful they really are doing a ton of work Make sure they take vacations Don’t forget to thank them

25 Questions?

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