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State of the Union Address 2013

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1 State of the Union Address 2013
A Graphical View of Social Media’s Take Analyzed & Curated by Sidecastr

2 Obama’s Prepared Text as Word Cloud
Source: Politico: Word clouds: A look at Obama's State of the Union speeches

3 Tweet Volume Per Minute re: #SOTU

4 Sidecastr’s Twitter Stream Curation
Curator for this event: Steve Brand Politics: moderately center-left registered independent Objective: live-curate full spectrum of representative tweets into one of 10 SOTU specific categories create informative, fast-paced, yet manageable synced 2nd screen experience Curation Criteria: comments from all political angles filter out repetitive, off-topic tweets, favor comments that have: higher level of specificity vs generic about-the-moment over “could have been made anytime” Ignore swearing as a factor when choosing

5 Distribution of Live Curated Tweets by Category
Total selected tweets = 291

6 Sidecastr Curated Tweets over live 2-hour coverage

7 All Curated Tweets - All Text

8 All Curated Tweets - Names Scrubbed
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

9 Curated Tweets: SOTU Address - Republican Response Removed
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

10 Curated Tweets: Start of Address 9:17p - 9:40p ET
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

11 Curated Tweets: Economy, Jobs & Min Wage Proposals 9:40p - 10:08p ET
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

12 Curated Tweets: Gun Control to SOTU End 10:08p - 10:27p ET
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

13 Curated Tweets: Rubio Response Only
Terms removed: “President, Obama, Rubio, Marco, Boehner, Mr, RT, POTUS, Paul, Ryan, Biden, RT:”

14 Details Tweet rate inbound - roughly 1.5K - 2K per min (roughly 10% of Twitter’s full stream) Pre-filtering Search Terms: #SOTU,#POTUS,President,Obama,Republicans, Democrats,Rubio,Economy any live tweets from hundreds of users whose prior tweets were selected during coverage of 4 Presidential Debates, Election Night coverage DJ display rate: 56 tweets per minute DJ target selection rate: 4-5 tweets per minute Chosen Categories for State of the Union: Agree!, Body Language, Disagree!, Factoids, My 2 cents, Quotes, Snarky, The President, The Speech, VIP Posts Auto-assigned (bypassed curator): VIP Posts: 25 Journalists, Rep & Dem partisans Factoids: Pew Research;

15 Chart of Curated Tweets over 2-hour coverage
SIDECASTR CURATED TWEETS PER CATEGORY MIN INTO COVERAGE Agree! Body Language Disagree! Factoids My 2 cents Quotes Snarky The President The Speech VIP Posts Grand Total 1 5 6 18 7 9 10 2 3 16 15 4 19 20 11 25 30 21 35 40 14 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 12 95 100 105 110 115 23 27 26 43 33 8 36 68 291

16 More Content of all curated tweets available for review at Google Drive Synced Replay of SOTU Video: YouTube Whitehouse Channel Sidecastr for iPad at App Store Sidecastr website: Coverage schedule of upcoming Special Events: NBA All- Star; Academy Awards View our Weekly Show Coverage Schedule All curated tweets Like Sidecastr’s Facebook page

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