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Nature of Biology 1 Chapter 15 pg

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1 Nature of Biology 1 Chapter 15 pg 558 - 561
Epigenetics Nature of Biology 1 Chapter 15 pg

2 Three quick questions 1. A trait present in some humans is red-green colour blindness. This trait is genetically linked to the X chromosome and colour blind individuals are known as recessive. a. List all of the possible genotypes of diploid (46) humans in terms of this trait. b. Assign phenotypes to all of the above genotypes. c. The incidence of red-green colourblindness in males is 8% whilst in females it is only 0.5%. Propose an explanation referring to the above answers as to why this may be the case.

3 Study Design Unit 2, Area of Study 2 – Genotypes and phenotypes
The relative influences of genetic material, environmental factors and interactions of DNA with other molecules (epigenetic factors) on phenotypes

4 Why aren’t identical twins the exact same?

5 Environmental conditions affect gene expression
Himalayan rabbits are all born completely white. Depending on the environmental temperature in which they were reared in their colouration pattern will vary. Fur colour in rabbits is genetically connected, but there is obviously more to this.

6 Chemical modification of DNA
Methylation of DNA can alter the expression of genes. This methylation can vary in degree throughout development and can vary across different kind of cells.

7 Epigenetics The study of acquisition and inheritance of modifications to DNA without changes to gene sequences, and its effect on phenotypic expression.

8 Epigenetic factors

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