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Chapter 6 Erotic Plasticity.

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1 Chapter 6 Erotic Plasticity

2 Nature & Nurture Sexual revolution Nurture: Social constructivists
Dramatic change in sexual climate Bigger change for females - why? Nurture: Social constructivists Nature: Essentialists Mix may differ for males & females

3 Erotic Plasticity Responsivity of sex drive to social forces
Cultural, political, situational forces change sex Female sex drive more erotically plastic Flexibility Adaptive Increases vulnerability

4 Erotic Plasticity Predictions 1. Females will change more over time
2. Social Vs have stronger impact on females 3. Less consistency between attitudes-behavior among females

5 Prediction 1: Changes Over Time
Kinsey, Masters & Johnson ‘discontinuities in total outlet’(Kinsey, 1948) ‘mercurial tendency to shift rapidly from peak to valley’ (Masters & Johnson, 1966) Masturbation & orgasm Male: Consistent activity Female: Inconsistent (high v. NO activity)

6 Prediction 1: Changes Over Time
Sexual orientation 4/5 lesbians had heterosexual sex (1/2 gays) More bisexual females than males Mate swapping (75% females have sex, 1% males) More females adopt a lesbian orientation in prison Overall extant data supports prediction 1

7 Prediction 2: Social & Cultural Influences
Sexual revolution Female virginity, promiscuity more impacted 20% increase in females w/ > 5 partners (11% for males) Education increases liberal sexuality Effects much larger for females Educated women 2x more likely to have performed oral sex (educated males 1/3x more likely) College education 9x increased chance of being gay for females, 2x for males

8 Class data (03) (N = 102) Pearson correlation
Linear association between 2 Vs Positive = higher/lower scores on 1 V associated w/ higher/lower scores on other V EX: Studying hours & GPA Correlated age year w/ views of sex Expect older, more education less wrong

9 Class data (03) (N = 102) Sex < 16 .00 .21* Homosexual .04 .23**
Higher sores < wrong Age Year Sex < * Homosexual ** Prostitution .26** .24** * p < .05. **p < .01. More educated less wrong one viewed sex! Stronger among females?

10 Class data (03) (Females = 73)
Year Higher sores < wrong Males Females Sex < ** .01 Homosexual ** Prostitution ** Pornography † †p < .08. **p < .01.

11 Prediction 2: Social & Cultural Influences
Peers, parents more strongly impact female Genes should more strongly predict male Heritability for age of first intercourse 72% for males, 40% for females Homosexuality: Genetic evidence stronger for males Overall extant data supports prediction 2

12 Prediction 3: Attitudes & Behavior
Consistency an issue in Social Psychology A-B problem, situational features intervene Erotic plasticity suggests less consistency Infidelity Correlation attitudes &behavior weaker for females Homosexual behavior Males who desire: 85% did, only 1/2 females Overall extant data supports prediction 3

13 Summary Males less erotically plastic as adults
Exception: More impacted by social factors as children Females more erotically plastic in adolescence & throughout adulthood Why?

14 Erotic Plasticity: Male Power
Women have to adapt to male sexuality Supportive evidence WOULD be greater flexibility in other aspects of functioning also No clear evidence yet

15 Erotic Plasticity: Female Changes
Female sexual role involves more changes Females more cautious & initial attitude is NO Human reproduction depends on female changing her mind Psychological capacity for sexual change evolved Submission fantasies common & arousing among females NO! -> pleasurable YES!

16 Implications Easier to change female sexuality
AIDS, sex therapy Sexual self-understanding hard for females Sexual decision making harder for females Relationships challenging & flexible Homosexuality Males (self-acceptance) Females (continual revision)

17 Conclusion Females are more erotically plastic than men Unclear why
Their sexuality more responsive to social influences, changes more over time & yields weaker A-B connections Unclear why May be due to male power or evolved change-ability in female sexuality Implications

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