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Erie St. Clair Regional Integrated Cancer Screening Team

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Presentation on theme: "Erie St. Clair Regional Integrated Cancer Screening Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erie St. Clair Regional Integrated Cancer Screening Team

2 Connecting Frontline Teams to Save Lives…
WHAT: Lunch/events + interactive ½ day workshops WHY: ESC RCP strategic priority: Work with Primary Care to Increase Cancer Screening WHO: Non physician staff of Primary Care offices in ESC (about 400 in region) WHEN: June 2013, Nov 2013, June 2014 WHERE: 2 in Windsor, 1 in Chatham, 1 in Sarnia

3 Getting the word out….. + Faxes + s + Phone Calls!

4 Getting the people out…….
Stipends (first year) Early Bird Registration Draw Prizes Giveaways Pampering Lunch Nice venues Interactive, fun

5 Build it and they will come!
Almost 300 participants……. Session # of Participants #1 June 2013 105 #2 November 2013 85 #3 June 2014 102

6 Series 1 intro to team, 3 screening programs, jeopardy, brainstorming activity Series 2 high risk genetics, smoking cessation, pilot project concept testing, cancer screening in PCP Series 3 Keynote, DAPs, immunizations, dealing with difficult people, brain games

7 Feedback and Evaluation…..
Feedback form to assess satisfaction and gather suggestions Clicker questions used to measure change Highlights from #3: 98% very satisfied with event 93% will share info in office 90% thinks office will benefit from info 87% will do something different in their office

8 Costs 1st series: $24K ($6,200 sponsorship)
major costs were stipends ($9,000 worth) and material development 2nd series: $13K ($5,000 sponsorship) major costs were stipends and venues 3rd series: $8K major costs were venues/food and speakers

9 Benefits Long term partnerships and goodwill
Identify partners for other projects Learn from participants Raise awareness, knowledge Change in practice

10 Challenges…. Achieving sufficient participation tough – especially in outlying areas Staff time to implement considerable Keeping material ‘new’ and ‘interesting’ a challenge

11 Into the Future….. Annual face to face ½ day + event
Webinars, topic specific, shorter sessions throughout the year Frontline Connect Advisory Council

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