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Debrief of the workshop on indicators

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1 Debrief of the workshop on indicators
Jeannette Monier DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit ESF Evaluation Partnership meeting, 13 June 2018, Athens

2 General feedback Programming Reporting Definitions Administrative registers Informed estimations Material deprivation

3 General feedback Agreement with the principles of stability and simplification Welcome Impact evaluation at programme level Reservations/Criticism All evaluation criteria for each evaluation, in particular EU added value, coherence

4 Programming Welcome Flexibility: principle of use common indicators for target setting, but programme specific indicators can also be used Flexibility: combined indicators in target setting Reservations/Criticism Break-down by category of region: not suited for system support and national operations

5 Programming Additional points
In the negotiation of the programmes, the reference values will need to take into account the new definitions of indicators. SFC needs to be upgraded to accommodate combined indicators for target setting.

6 Reporting Welcome Reduction in the number of common indicators
Elimination of composite common indicators Reservations/Criticism Frequency of electronic data transmission Missing template for data transmission of ESF+ data

7 Reporting Proposals "When possible" to be extended to common output indicators Replace "when possible" to "where relevant"

8 Definitions Welcome Simplified definitions Reservations/Criticism
CPR definition of participant not compatible with ESF practice

9 Administrative registers
Reservations/Criticism Compatibility with GDPR Not commented Enabling provision for MAs to use registers or equivalent sources

10 Informed estimations Reservations/Criticism Prone to prejudice
Additional points Surveys can be continued for 1(b) Need for examples National methodology or method left to the beneficiary? Suitability to "foreign background" and "from rural area"?

11 Material deprivation Welcome Less indicators, flexibility
Reservations/Criticism Beneficiary instead of partner organisation Gender split needed Collecting data on financial value per category for food (children, homeless and other) Difficulty to estimate some indicators

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