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Developed and implemented at Saint Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church

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1 Toward INDEPENDENT IN 3 Parish Situation Overview and A Plan to Secure the Future of our Parish
Developed and implemented at Saint Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church Minneapolis, Minnesota © 2007 1

2 Upcoming Maintenance & Improvements
Mechanical Equipment Heating Air Conditioning Air Handling Units Controls Roofing Systems Landscaping Facility Improvements © 2007 2

3 Funding Maintenance/Improvements
Use capital campaign drives to fund, OR… Use the real estate income currently going to the operating expenses to fund the deferred maintenance and improvements © 2007 3

4 As capital campaigns are difficult & time consuming the Decision was made to use the real estate income to fund the deferred maintenance and improvements Parishioner Contributions Current Operating Expenses © 2007 4

5 This Strategy Has Added Benefits
Ensures St. Mary’s future St. Mary’s will be financially independent. So no matter how well or poorly future generations manage; or market conditions negatively affect these real estate assets, St. Mary’s continues. © 2007 5

6 St. Mary’s Stewardship Goal
Become financially independent by the 2009 calendar year (3 years) Need to increase contributions by $220,000 Independent in 3 © 2007 6

7 3 Ways to Reach Financial Independence
Reduce Expenses and/or Programs Increase Contributions or Reduce Expenses and Increase Contributions © 2007 7

8 2007 Budgeted Expenses per Contributing Unit
An Equal Share is $30 per Week © 2007 8

9 Over 90% of Our Costs Are Fixed
Less than 10% of our costs are discretionary getting rid of them does not have any meaningful savings and dramatically impacts our reason for being therefore not an option © 2007 9

10 Managing Expenses The Parish Council has completed an extensive review of our expenses They have identified where they can save money and not impact on services They are in the process of implementing those savings the hardest of which was The outsourcing of maintenance © 2007 10

11 Increasing Contributions
© 2007 11

12 What Did The Committee Consider?
Divide it Up Equally? Committee could ask all parishioners to contribute an equal share ($30 per week) Committee thought that was not fair as not all parishioners have the same means © 2007 12

13 Fair Share Committee decided a more fair way was to use a percentage of income The more financial means you have The larger your suggested contribution © 2007 13

14 If All Parishioners Meet or Exceed Their Fair Share We Reach Our Goal
Fair Share Guidelines If All Parishioners Meet or Exceed Their Fair Share We Reach Our Goal © 2007 14

15 100% Met or Exceeded Fair Share
Leadership We put our current leadership to the test Asked them to fill out the Fair Share form Father Paul Parish Council Stewardship Committee 100% Met or Exceeded Fair Share © 2007 15

16 What’s Next? The Future of St. Mary’s © 2007 16

17 Visit With Parishioners
Parish Council and Stewardship Committee members will meet with parishioners Gather their suggestions, feedback and advice Explain St. Mary’s situation and goal Ask to fill out their Fair Share © 2007 17

18 Leaders Wanted In order to meet with 500+ parishioners we need leaders to join the Stewardship Committee to make it possible Please see Any Parish Council Member or Any Stewardship Committee Member or us at © 2007 18

19 Time and Talent On the table you will find St. Mary’s time and talent form Please fill this form and turn in today or mail back to church office © 2007 19

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